If you’re curious as to why I like them so much, ask me one day that you’re prepared to listen to a long explanation. XD
I want to hear it! Lol. XD Mabye you should type it all up so that you can have it to refer to when people ask so you won't have to do it again each time... But seriously, it'd be cool to know my fellow-inked person. I like knowing different people's reasons for tattoos. =)
Oh, and on the topic of having children sleep in bed with the parents for infancy, we discussed that once in my child psychology class, and it was pretty much stated that the ONLY place that finds it backwards is here in America. That many countries still practice this and it's been found that those places have significantly lower rates of SIDS and stuff. There's also no alarming rate of children getting squished by rolling parents either ;)
Yeah, after that class I decided that if I ever choose to have children of my own (probably won't but I won't rule it out just yet) that I'd have them sleep in my bed till they were out of the SIDS "danger zone" too. So don't let anyone make you feel weird for having done that! =3
I totally agree - I'm a big supporter of co-sleeping. I've gotten flack about it in the past, but I really don't care - and I remain firm in my belief that it's a good bonding opportunity for both mother and child.
I want to hear it! Lol. XD Mabye you should type it all up so that you can have it to refer to when people ask so you won't have to do it again each time... But seriously, it'd be cool to know my fellow-inked person. I like knowing different people's reasons for tattoos. =)
Oh, and on the topic of having children sleep in bed with the parents for infancy, we discussed that once in my child psychology class, and it was pretty much stated that the ONLY place that finds it backwards is here in America. That many countries still practice this and it's been found that those places have significantly lower rates of SIDS and stuff. There's also no alarming rate of children getting squished by rolling parents either ;)
Yeah, after that class I decided that if I ever choose to have children of my own (probably won't but I won't rule it out just yet) that I'd have them sleep in my bed till they were out of the SIDS "danger zone" too. So don't let anyone make you feel weird for having done that! =3
I totally agree - I'm a big supporter of co-sleeping. I've gotten flack about it in the past, but I really don't care - and I remain firm in my belief that it's a good bonding opportunity for both mother and child.
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