I just love RP memes, so I had to steal this one from
Years role-playing: A little over one.
Least favorite character: Zangetsu. Oh god... he was so difficult.
Male or female characters: I play mostly men, but I do enjoy playing Nyx. And I’m in the process of applying for another female.
Oldest character played: Zangetsu. He was forty.
Longest character played: BB Yumichika.
Newest character: Ah... Renji, but I dropped him, so the next newest would be... Nnoitra, I believe. But again, I’m currently applying for another~
Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge: For no reason? Nnoitra. But, if Mr. Aizen told him to, Ulquiorra would definitely jump off that bridge.
Get drunk and pass out: Again, Nnoitra. He does it on a regular basis. My other characters (namely HB Yumichika) have taken to saran wrapping him and drawing on his face when he does, though.
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way: Well, Ulquiorra is the only one who would actually have cause to kill someone. Nnoitra would... and he’d be especially unorthodox about it, but there’s this thing called the Law... and there aren’t any bitches in prison. Well, not the kind he likes.
Be far too hyper for their own good: None of them? My characters aren’t really the hyper type. Although, Nnoitra is too everything for his own good, so he’s probably the best bet.
Be raped: Hahaha. Just try it.
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions: Probably Nnoitra.
Star in a horror movie: ...Nnoitra.
Star in a whore movie: What the hell is a whore movie? If it’s a movie that involves whores, Nnoi is so there.
Star in a video game: Heh. The character I’m applying for, even though she’s not really mine. Ulquiorra would be my next guess.
Make the world a better place: BB Yumichika. He’d like to rid the world of awful clothing.
Have a torrid gay love affair: Mm, torrid. All of my boys swing that way (although one doesn’t realize it yet), so take your pick.
Relate each word to a character of yours...
Love: BB Yumichika. I think that he’s the most capable of love, and the most willing to admit it.
Hate: Nnoitra. He hates everything. Coming in second would be Ulquiorra, with his hate of Grimmjow, and third would be BB Yumichika, with his hate of Gin.
Money: Ah... none of my characters really care too much about money... but that’s also because none of them are really lacking in that department. BB Yumichika is the most materialistic of all my characters, so we’ll go with him.
Seduction: HB Yumichika. Sexuality is a big thing for him, and he just cannot stop flirting. That swagger in his step? It’s permanent.
Lies: All of my characters lie to a certain extent. Ulquiorra’s profession requires him to lie. HB Yumichika lies about personal issues because he’d rather not face the truth. BB Yumichika exaggerates a lot. Nnoitra lies when he’s bored. Nyx lies to mortals. I think the most significant liar would be HB Yumichika, because he often lies to himself.
Tragedy: Most of my characters have pretty tumultuous pasts. Ulquiorra’s family was slaughtered in a bloody massacre. BB Yumichika lost his mother, and then his aunt, and then was abused and molested while in his uncle’s care. HB Yumichika’s parents committed suicide and tried to take him along.... And yes, I do enjoy angst.
Manipulation: Ulquiorra, hands down. He enjoys finding out what makes people tick and then exploiting it for his own (or Aizen’s own) gain. He doesn’t like forcing people to do things. He’d rather mess with their minds a bit and get them so turned around that they not only end up doing what he wants, but they start coming to conclusion that it was their idea all along.
Violence: My HB boys. Ulquiorra and HB Yumichika are the only two people who have a reason to be violent. Yumichika’s in the NYPD, on the Emergency Response unit, so he gets to shoot at bad guys and other fun things like that. Plus, his job at the dojo allows him to let off any extra steam. Ulquiorra hasn’t been part of much violence since he got promoted to consigliere, but he still manages to find certain individuals that need his... special attention.
Politics: The only one who would be the least bit interested would be Ulquiorra. He keeps track of political things, but only because he likes knowing what’s going on in the world around him. Plus, it’s good to keep tabs on the people in office and where they stand (and where they live, who they’re sleeping with, etc), just in case he needs to pull their strings some day.
Fire: Both my Yumichikas. BB Yumichika is like a surge of fire; he heats up quickly, but fizzles just as fast. HB Yumichika is a slow burning, starting out at a pleasant warmth, and then gradually building to an inferno.
Ice: Ulquiorra. He’s cold, calculating, and solid. Maybe that’s why he likes freezers.
Would you ever...
Play a prostitute: Sure.
Play a musician: Nnoitra is the guitarist for the Arrancar. So, yes.
Play a pilot: I’m sure I would... if a character I wanted had that job assigned to them. But would I randomly decide to have my character be a pilot? Probably not.
Play a homosexual: Never ever.
Play a pedophile: Well, Nnoitra likes young girls. [shrugs]
Play a politician: Again... if a character I wanted was already a politician, then yes.
Play a character who commits incest: No thanks.