Oh, television, you flighty mistress! First you give, then you take, and all I'm left with is a heartbreak.
Damn you Heroes, damn you! I only started watching you because you were on before Studio 60. Then I was like, hey that Hiro is kinda super adorable, I approve! And then I was like, hey the cheerleaders kinda decent as well. And, ooh, Nathan - Heroes did you know I had a weakness for snarky asshole-y politicians with a hint of a heart of gold?
And then you go and you hire my guy, my Doctor!
For weeks on end I proclaimed your loveliness to, well, okay mostly my mother and Julia. But still. I was at the altar of Heroes and I was drinking the super-enhanced kool-aid.
And then what do you go and do?
You make my guy frickin' invisible!
Boo you whore of a TV show, boo. I feel like I just got screwed with my pants on.
As for Studio 60....
Jesus Christ, Danny, stop calling the woman!