Yay, four day weekend!

Apr 13, 2006 22:24

First, this was seen on Seek's journal:
When you see this, quote Leo McGarry.

Leo: "There's two things in the world you never want to let people see how you make 'em: laws and sausages."

Leo: "He rode his bicycle into a tree, CJ, what do you want me to- 'The President, while riding a bicycle on his vacation in Jackson Hole, came to a sudden arboreal stop'- what do you want from me?"

Leo: "Because I'm tired of it year after year after year after year having to chose between the lesser of who cares? Of trying to get myself excited about a candidate who can speak in complete sentences. Of setting the bar so low, I can hardly bear to look at it. They say a good man can't get elected President. I don't believe that. Do you?"

Leo: "Nah. Act as if ye have faith and faith shall be given to you. Put it another way, fake it till you make it."

Speaking of The West Wing, it's creator is making the news again leading to yet another installment of an "Oh Aaron" link. Ahem. Oh, Aaron: it's one thing to be industrious, it's another thing entirely to make your own crack
Poor dear. I won't be buying the call girl's book (obviously), but chances are if I see it in Barnes and Noble I will flip through it's pages and then hide it somewhere so no one else buys it.

But, anyways.

I got asked to a Prom the other day, which was unusual. Silly boy; you don't want me for your prom date because, amongst numerous reasons: I can't dance, I don't like the music they play at school functions anyways, I'm not going to know anyone there - and I don't make small talk well due to my, you know, horribly shyness - besides you, and also? This isn't like some teen movie where the unattractive, shy bookworm gets asked to the dance and is suddenly motivated to transform herself into a total hottie by simply letting her hair down and replacing her glasses with contacts so ... not going to be a very ... picture-esque date for you to look back on proudly many years down the road, sweetie.

Seriously. He could do far, far better than me and I told him as much.

But enough about that. School is winding down, which is slightly worrisome as I've been slacking off for the entire semester the past few weeks, really badly and now my grades are a bit more ... bad than I'd like. The one I'm most worried about is Chemistry, which I have a C in. It's not that I don't get Chemistry --I had a B+ in it last semester, afterall -- I just hate the labs with a complete and utterly loathing passion. Which is a bit weird I suppose - most people like doing the hands-on work, but not me. You guys can play with acids and ballons and scales all you want, so long as I can just chill in the corner with my textbook, okay?

I should probably also worry about English - excuse me, "Effective Communications" - as our huge final project OF DOOM is a persausive speech on the subject of our choice. My problem with that being, A) the talking part and B)the fact that it's persuasive - aka I have to pick a subject and stick to one side. I'm not good at either of those things, you see; talking in public is a skill I lack, and honestly I'm not good at picking sides. Death penalty? War in Iraq? Abortion? Filesharing? Illegal Immigration? Pretty much anything in the history of ever? Certainly I tend to lean in certain directions, depending on the subject, but I'm not blatantly for or against anything, really, because I honestly can see that both sides tends to have valid points at times.

Which makes arguing my opinion on things hard enough to begin with, and getting people to see things my way practically impossible.

I mean, sure, I could fake it, but that never feels right.The only side I like to take is the side where I can make the most jokes about all the other sides. I'm sure I'll figure something out.

[Note to Self] Post lots on TLC this weekend!!! Also, find out when Julia's coming home from Virgina Beach or wherever it is that she is so you can find out if she wants to go the Dodgeball tournament thingy.[/Note to Self]

school, life, west wing, julia, aaron sorkin

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