Jul 25, 2005 15:28

Everyone needs a little privacy, right?
Issues talked about in my journal are personal. I need to know who is reading my entries. And I'm not going to be stalked by a 34 year old man who lives in his grandmothers basement.

Just comment this entry.
I'll add you right away, I have the comments forwarded to my email.

I am a comment spaz.
Therefor, if you don't comment I delete you after a few weeks. So if you're seeing this still- I deleted you because you haven't commented my entries.

-HEAR A RUMOR ABOUT ME? Check to see if it's true or not in my journal.
-THINK MY FRIENDS ARE MEGA RAD? Check out their comments.
-WHO AM I DATIN'? Check it out.
-WHO HAS MORE DRAMA THAN LAGUNA BEACH? I garuntee that my life does.
-WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT ME? Comment here, then silly.
-WANT TO LAUGH? Me + My friends take silly pictures everytime they're over.
-WANT MORE? Add me and see what happens!

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