Ever had nightmares so bad that you didn't want to go to sleep?

Nov 30, 2006 22:47

I had nothing but nightmares last night.

The first one started off with me walking through the garage and then opening a door. It was raised high off the ground. As I look out I see this figure floating towards me. It's a woman. She's in a blue dress and she has dark hair. I try to banish her because I know I have that power. It'll be easy only I can't. I try a few times and I remember being terrified but that's the last bit of that dream that I can remember.

It gets worse from there...

Then I'm lying down in a room with that crappy wood paneling. I'm lying on a bed that's raised about four feet off of the ground. The horizontal side of the bed is pressed against the wall and it's facing the door. I was visited three times by demons.

I tried to banish them by telling them go away in the name of God. (In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, I banish the devil from this house.) It didn't work. I was very scared and tried several times.

During the last visit I tried to call out for my Mom because I was floating about a food over the bed and if she could just see me then she'd know that I wan't making it up and that she'd call Gram and Gram would bring the Jesus Oil and she'd send the fucker back to hell. Well, my voice was hoarse. I couldn't get anything out and I was trying to scream. I tried to banish them but it didn't work.

Oddly, I think some part of me knew that this was a dream or I thought I was dreaming in the dream because I remember wanting to wake up but couldn't.

I don't want to go to sleep tonight. I really don't. I didn't have anymore bad dreams after I prayed and cast the devil away but still. The nightmares were very bad and it scares me even as I'm typing this. I'm not being overly dramatic even though I know that's how it appears.


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