Thoughts on Wow - Part 4a - Ch-ch-changes! Turn and Face the Strange!

Jan 17, 2011 00:00

The Wrath of the Lich King expansion brought with it a lot of changes ( Read more... )

charly reflects, world of warcraft

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simply_blah January 17 2011, 06:06:16 UTC
I think some people take WoW as serious as a job. I'm really kind of over it. The 'if you have one negative thing to say you're a bad player' bit.

I'm getting really annoyed with this 'casual = a bad'. First off, what the fuck does that even mean? The last time I checked, bad was an edjective and not a noun. You could call me a baddie but I'm not a mustache twirling villain. But more of this will be talked about when I talk about the changes cataclysm brought and what I don't like. Hmm, I think I'll save this paragraph and add it. I have most of it typed out.

I will shake my cane. I will still bitch about the death runs from the Exodar to Stormwind and from Stormwind to Gadgetzan. But if the point is to get the best gear and to defeat the hardest monsters, I don't see how making the leveling process easier lessens raid achievements.

It is stupidly fast to level. It's really easy. Wrath was easy. But Blizzard made Wrath easy to attract more costumers and now they are making ti hard again. Leveling doesn't help when you get to level 80+ dungeons that are actually hard. Hell, my low level priest is still facerolling (almost!) the lower dungeons. That doesn't help.


erunamiryene January 17 2011, 06:16:16 UTC
I noticed they had to publish an article about "yes, dungeons are hard now. Yes, you actually have to know strategies. QUIT WHINING."

They kind of brought it on themselves making WotLK stupidly easy, IMO. I was helping Will with some quests the other day, and I was like, "... I soloed these on my DK, you know" and then thought about it and was like, "Yeah, I shouldn't have been able to solo these, WTH."

I've been so busy questing that the only dungeon I've been to is the Stonecore, three times. I really do need to get some more of those done and get some gear.


simply_blah January 17 2011, 06:21:46 UTC
I read that entire thing. I didn't like Ghostcrawler's attitude at all. I liked even less the attitude of most of the responders. Ergh.

It was easy. I can remember thinking that it wasn't, at least certain parts of it. Like in Utgarde Keep, I used to think that it was the hardest thing ever to heal, the last boss, because my dumb ass couldn't grasp that I need to move my butt behind a pillar. And oh God, Instructor Razuvious and coordination fights.

It helped that you played a DK. I couldn't solo much unless I was on my warlock or hunter with a tanking pet.

I don't like any of them. And the final boss in the Lost City of the Tol'vir, Siamat, makes me cry. I don't think you're missing anything except gear and aggravation.


erunamiryene January 17 2011, 06:28:28 UTC
I think maybe if they'd, y'know, PHASED it, that would be one thing. Stonecore and Vash'jir ... pretty easy, the next couple a little harder, etc, and then heroics actually being hard (cause WotLK heroics were kind of stupid easy to me) would have made sense.

Another problem was that they didn't phase it coming into Wrath, either. I remember being coached all the way through my first Ony run because if you don't know what you're doing, you're HOSED. I remember trying to steamroll through MC at 80 and failing miserably (I had a lot of fun trying to 2 man old raids, IDEK. Boredom?).

I want to run them just to see them, and to get up to where I can finally raid with my guild because holy crap I just cannot keep up with them. I've ditched Uldum and went to Twilight Highlands because all Uldum is to me is a huge Indy rip off, and I'm just ... not that big an Indy fan. I've seen them a couple times, I know the important pop culture bits, and ... that's about it, so Uldum didn't strike me as clever. /shrug

IDK how I feel about Cata yet. I like having more to do with my DK, and I like the goblin and just like the worgen because they had new quests (which I'm basically done with since I hit Rut'heran, although that zone's changed, too). I'm still in the "woot, something new to do" phase, I think.


simply_blah January 17 2011, 06:36:34 UTC
They aren't hard as in doable but you can't have a single person make a mistake. Everyone has to be on point. I can CC but at least in Wrath in an hour I could have done at least one instance or two.

I miss Karazhan. I don't know why. I think it would be awesome if they developed a raid out of the other, secret part of the dungeon.

I love Uldum. It's my favorite zone. Now, I feel bad about my ignorance and I recognize that it's a problem about the pygmies. But when I first saw them I thought they were just ugly and speaking simlish. I had no idea. :( It's still my favorite zone though because of the cut scenes and at the end, Brann Bronzebeard shows up and I love him.

I don't think I like the 80+ content. There is something wrong when it is more enjoyable for me to farm on my druid (and man mining + herbing on a druid is so damn OP) or leveling my little priest, who gets an extra 30% exp, through the new zones and new quests.


erunamiryene January 17 2011, 06:41:26 UTC
Yeah, I noticed that in Stonecore on my first run, where I was expecting "woot melee, beat it with a sword" and promptly died four times on that run. XD I was like, "I swear, I didn't buy this toon," LOL.

I got to go to Kara once, after I was 80 and got into a PUG to run it. HOLY CRAP IT IS AWESOME. Although I'm sad they "fixed" being able to get into the room of the upside down sinners, because I remember one of my guildies taking me there when I was a little level 45 lock, and going "okay, put on your headphones and turn up the ambient sound while you're floating down there" and I was thoroughly creeped out for about an hour. XD

IDK what it was about Uldum, I just couldn't get into it. Maybe it's residual dislike for Harrison "Look I Saved YOU" Jones, from the quest in Grizzly Hills. XD Although, if Brann shows up ... that's pretty cool.

I DID like the questline to unlock Twilight Highlands, although it did show that Stormwind really needs more Homeland Security funding. XD

I need to make some Horde toons to go through the new Barrens. Hopefully they got rid of that fucking samoflange quest. >:(


simply_blah January 17 2011, 06:51:18 UTC
Try trying to heal. :( I was so frustrated even with the new healing methods. Ugh.

Karazhan is just different. It's unique. Hello, on one boss you play chess (which I never did right but that's not the point). I never was able to get into the secret parts. :(

Oh, God. Fargo Flintlocke. "What? I'd like to see you do better." I just sort of facepalmed when I realized it was him. Stormwind would be safer when Fargo out of it than they are with Fargo helping to guard it.

Samoflange? What?

I leveled a mage through Darnassus and Darkshore. Never, ever, have I been such a sad panda in the game. It was so sad and so depressing when you first got there. You had to find the survivors and Volcor was one of them. And then you had go and find Grimclaw... *wibbles*

But then we still had to go hunt Anaya down and kill her. WTF? Give me a damn break. =\


erunamiryene January 17 2011, 07:00:52 UTC
I loved the Flintlocke comics. :D The "gnome death knight-shot" in game cracked me the hell UP, because I remember laughing til I cried at the "chuck-shot". XD

The Samophlange quest (while funny that it referenced a Thundercats outtake) required you to run from crossroads ALLLLLLLL the way up to the northern border of the Barrens to get a book. Then ALLLLLLL the way back to the Crossroads. then ALLLLLL the way back up to the same goblin camp to go throw a lever. The ALLLLLLLL the way back to the Crossroads to turn in. Then ALLLLLLL the way back to the camp to do something else. Seriously, the number of times that quest made you run across the Barrens .... *grumblegrumblegrumblegrumble*

I can't get over the Pamela Redpath quests. SO SAD OMG.


simply_blah January 17 2011, 07:04:11 UTC
Oh. My. God. How did you keep playing after that? I have to say, questing is much more streamlined now.

=\ I just hit Eastern Plaguelands. I haven't gotten to Little Pamela but I know that it's coming. Sheesh. Sometimes I get way to emotionally invested in some of the quests.


erunamiryene January 17 2011, 07:09:04 UTC
I think my attitude at the end (because this was back in my day, when we didn't get mounts til 40, LOL) was SCREW YOU WOW YOU WILL NOT DEFEAT ME and I kept going out of sheer stubbornness. XD

I'm the exact same way for some quests. I do it with movies, too, which means I cry way too much at too many movies, LOL.


simply_blah January 17 2011, 07:12:23 UTC
I don't remember any quests that made me... The Legend of Stalvan and Mistmantle.. Run to Elwynn, run back to Darkshire, run to Westfall and then back again. I thought I had blocked out that experience, I guess not.

Girl, I spend the first half of the Lane Before Time bawling. Even some commercials get to me, usually not full on crying but sometimes I sniff. I don't know what the frak is wrong with me.


erunamiryene January 17 2011, 07:19:21 UTC
Ahhhh yeah, I remember that one.

I can't even list all the movies that make me cry like a little baby. Up. La Vie En Rose (I think that one worried my SO, because I was full on bawling at the end XD ). Anything involving kids and unhappiness. But weirdly, chick flicks that are engineered to make girls cry don't make me cry. I'm strange.


simply_blah January 17 2011, 07:22:45 UTC

Up. I mean, I really wasn't expecting it to be that sad in the beginning especially with the miscarriage. I swear, Pixar just knows how to twist that knife in. And I don't even want to talk about the mess I was in Toy Story Three. I've never seen La Vie En Rose. I'll admit to sniffling in 'While You Were Sleeping' but that was when Sandra Bullock's character was telling another that the guy she wanted didn't want her. Also, Never Been Kissed is triggering for me.


erunamiryene January 17 2011, 07:25:19 UTC
I'm a Disney fan, so I'm used to sad in the first ten minutes or so (hello, Dumbo), but Up really took it above and beyond. :/

La Vie En Rose was really good; I quite liked it. Oh, Time Traveler's Wife gets me every time. So glad I went to that alone, because I cried waaaay too many times through that movie.


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