Sep 22, 2004 10:57
Interviews Done: 2 (Radio Disney and the Disney Store)
Interviews Scheduled: 2 (tomorrow with Papyrus and Friday with Bath & Body Works)
Thank-You Notes Sent: None. Dammit I have to get ON that!
God I hate looking for a job. Alderwood Mall just added like a billion stores, so they're having a huge job fair on Saturday from 10-4... anyone wanna go with me? Well, that's a silly question since the only one left is Tessa and she already HAS a job. But oh well.
I'm going to send my resume off to a ton of temp agencies. I could be like George, only there's no such thing as Happy Time Temp Agency. And I'm not cynical or dead or a grim reaper. So I guess I really CAN'T be like George, can I?
God dammit I hate hiccups.
Is anyone else engrossed in the new seasons of The Surreal Life and The Real World like I am? Blame it on my childhood: The Surreal Life features Dave Coulier from my ex-favorite TV show, Full House, and The Real World's most famous housemate is none other than the kid who played Hector on GHOSTWRITER! Omg, I used to be obsessed with that show. Jess and I would play on her computer for hours, pretending that Ghostwriter was communicating with us and that we were the characters themselves. I never played Hector, of course, since I'm a GIRL--I was always Lenny, and Jess was the cute asian girl. But still, the shows are interesting... to me... ah whatever, I need to get off the friggin' couch and GET A JOB.
Today I'm going to shower (AH! SHOWER?! Who ever heard of that???)(just kidding, I shower everyday) and then marcelle my hair. (Molly, if you're reading this right now, you're probably laughing at me because my lame attempt at marcelling came out more or less looking like rats' nests, but I'll try--for you!)
Molly didn't get called back to the second round of auditions, which I'm kind of mad about... I know that sounds stupid, but I worked so hard to open the "drama door" and I just hoped that no one else in my family would have to. I mean, the Denneys didn't have to once Katie got the lead her freshman year. Now, arguably, they are a lot more talented than anyone in my family, but still. And last year Molly made it back to the second round. Grr, I'm probably just upset for my own ego. Plus, I know that Molly is fantastic.
Anyone from drama reading this, please don't see this as me dissing on anyone, I'm just venting. And if you can't vent in a public live journal, where else can you go? Haha :-p.
I just watched one of my favorite episodes of Sex and the City, where Carrie gets dumped by Berger via a post-it and then gets arrested for smoking pot. Favorite lines: Charlotte- Is it smart to buy pot from strangers? Carrie- They're not strangers, they're our new friends with pot!
Okay I'm going to take my hiccuping self to the shower now.
I finally saw Love, Actually and it was FABULOUS. And tonight I'm taking Molly to see HAIRSPRAY!
Good morning, Baltimore...