Aug 10, 2004 16:08
i happen to find it quite ironic, frustrating, and somewhat comical that when one part of your life is soo amazing, and things are really looking up - another is falling apart. is there ever a balance? or is that asking too much? apparently before we even knew it, the new york post knew ryan and i were breaking up. "they looked at their calendars and realised the next time they could get together was a year from now."
i know, i know... 'aww' but really..i think i'm okay with it. we really and truly are way too busy to be in a commited relationship, i guess after ryan put the idea in my head of being 'committed'..i liked it, and then ironically enough he was the one originally to say 'let's just be friends.' it got me really nervous..i thought that maybe something had happened for him to not want to be with me. but i was wrong, stupid , assuming and accusing him of something in my right mind i knew he would never ever do to me.i know the girls love ryan, and even if we aren't together i can't help but get insanely jealous. and he knows it and funny enough, i think he likes it. so i guess i'll have to work on that!
you knew it was coming but..ryan IS my best friend. he knows me inside and out almost as well as my sister does. and we are going to remain friends because i really don't know what i would do without him in my life. we both just need to work on not depending on eachother so much..because for so long, we were both struggling with our personal lives and our careers and we were really eachother's only support system. and it's just gonna be hard because possibly the most exciting time in both of our lives - we won't have eachother. ain't it funny?