
Sep 03, 2006 08:33

hey rest of the world!

so i skipped up to the mall yesterday (yes i skipped) at the prodding of both my coworkers and boyfriend, and finally got my iPod! woot! so anyway, it got this "rockin" red case and is pretty much the same thing as ashley's underneath so yeah.  and i got a discount for being in college ^^ woo hoo!!

so tuesday felicia and i are goin down to necco after i babysit to do the id and parking pass thing, and she still needs to get her books, so that should be enteraining enough ^^ chris and moje will be in their first day of school >) although we start wednesday so it's only a small victory ^^

i need to figure out how to rip dvds...because if i can, i can stick it on my iPod and watch it in class when i'm bored ^^ lol or during those three hrs where i'm not doing anything -_-  i also want to make copies of some movies so that i can have them too!! ^^ not that ANYONE needs to kno about my movie collection -_-

um...there's nothing really exciting going on i suppose...i mean, working, babysitting, school...s'bout it really.  so i don't actually kno y i even updated, but watever ^^
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