clap your hands if you want some more!

Mar 24, 2007 22:45

After doing some research I compiled a list of concerts I would (have) like(d) to see, 
though it seems I probably won't see most of them...
Hopefully more bands tour this summer (Regina! Stars! DeathCab! GoTeam!)
Anyways, here is the list!

Concerts I Am  (Hopefully) Going To.

Spoon- April 22
I'm pretty sure I'm going with Carly, hopefully it follows through!

Concerts I'd Love to Go to but Probably Won't.

The Early November- April 14 and 15
None of my friends like them. Only Will, but he wouldn't want to go with me.

Brand New- April 25
Julia and Cori kind of like them. But they probably wouldn't want to see them.

Saves the Day- May 2
None of my friends like them. Only Will, again.

Mae- June 24
I know Cori would go with me but I'm pretty sure tickets already sold out because of course they're touring with The Fray (who aren't even that good!) and even if I could go tickets at cheapest are $30 for lawn seats.  I really wanted to see Mae too.

Concerts I'd Might Go To.
Ben Gibbard- May 9
It's Ben! :)

Bloc Party- June 5

Concerts I Missed or Already Sold Out

The Shins

The Decemberists

The Arcade Fire 
I would have loved to see all three. I lament.

In other news, I am convinced everyone else is inferior to me....

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