Ack, while out running around with asians tonight, I had a little car trouble. My tire blew out on 290! It's a good thing there was no traffic (it was late, you see) and it didn't make me lose control of my car. I don't know what happened.. I have tiny tires I guess because my car is supposed to be a "sport" car? I don't think it's sporty, but whatever. So anyways, they're thin and suck and I guess this means they get torn up easily. I didn't hit a pot hole or anything.. but it was probably flat/low and I didn't notice until it collapsed on itself.
The whole tire just split along the edge all the way around. It was really hot too, when I touched it.
If you look kinda closely you can see a dark line on the cement from driving on my wheel/rims/whatever.
Anyways, I have to get up early and get that fixed in the morning, because I have to take my dad to a doctor appointment (I think he's getting another PET scan?) in the afternoon. Ate dinner, saw a movie (I don't think the mean old lady gave me the correct change back for my ticket), and overall had a good night despite my car troubles. No school tomorrow, how exciting.
Oh yeah, I filed my taxes ealier this evening and discovered I get a whopping $30 back. I'll spend that in one night, I'm sure.