My tweets

Jul 25, 2012 12:00

  • Tue, 12:33: Just ate lunch. Still hungry. At work for another 7 hours with no food options. This is gonna be rough.
  • Tue, 12:42: My co-worker didn't want all her curly fries! I am SAVED! :)
  • Tue, 18:56: Because I am pursuing more delicious, fresh, whole foods lately, I am mentally prepping for a monster grocery bill. #eathealthydiepoor
  • Tue, 20:50: Just overheard a lady call her kid Zayden. If we started with Aiden, does that mean this naming craze is officially over?
  • Wed, 07:58: So tired all the time lately. Ugh. Come on, body, quit being a jerk.
  • Wed, 09:56: Should be starting my new four 10-hour day schedule by late August. Can't wait!
  • Wed, 10:17: Brought a healthy, delicious snack to work today. Not allowed to be proud of myself unless I eat it AFTER lunch.


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