(no subject)

Jun 30, 2011 05:28

Drank too much. Had to get a ride home. Now awake at 5 am with Gangster's Paradise stuck in my head. It happens, I guess? I mean, I wasn't AWARE that this happened. Especially during the week. But apparently it happens. The more you know, kids.

Also I'm supposed to go into work early tomorrow and do a presentation for my collective superiors. Like, was asked five minutes before I left if it was a big deal to do a talk about one of our processes. It's not a big deal? But a couple minutes to prepare mighta been, uh, helpful?

Of my many types of anxiety, I am glad presentation-making is not one of them.

I drank a lot last weekend, too. This is very weird. I have gone from barely drinking at all to having drunk TOO MUCH twice in a week. I'm not sure if that's a good thing.

Oh, but: we won our softball game! Against a team that's been undefeated for two years! Then got mercied by them in the second game of the double-header. Really, I oughta be exhausted right about now.
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