Nov 11, 2010 02:34
1. 17 books - 2 of which I've read fully, 5 of which need to be read before I can write an essay due next friday, and 10 of which were taken out in a fit of first week innocence, when I thought every book in the suggested reading list for each essay had to be read. I still use those books anyway...I find evidence (that may or may not be relevant) and arguments (always out of context) from them. I have so far been called 5 times on dubious facts. All on the same essay.
2. A massive chain...the sort of links leading up to an anchor. A relic from the Halloween Bop. I found it on the floor on the way to the Bop Hall and used it to...pimp up my costume. A (fake) bloodstained t-shirt from Halloween as well. It can't really be called a t shirt was ripped to shreds.
3. A fair bit of food - a bag once full of apples with one left, an empty doritos bag, one massive box of cornflakes, 3 small boxes of crunchy nut, a carton of milk (which really should be in the fridge but I need milk readily available when I wake up so I leave it on the ledge, which really is just as cool), wine gums, traces of the chow mein I took out on Sunday...still haven't washed my plate which I should do, 2 bottles of juice - both mango, obviously, and sitting on my bed I can count 6 stray grape stems - I can never be bothered to throw them away. And drink - A six pack of coke, a few cans of red bull, a carton of stella bought with 2 other people, half consumed, a bottle of wine from the wine tasting society, which I was supposed to sample but decided to sample in the comfort of my room, and, for some weird reason, a bottle of vitamin water I cannot remember buying. It has been there for the longest time.
4. Tennis balls (4). I bought them so I could do something while I thought of how to write my essays.
5. My formal dressing robe. It looks pretty mangled, having occupied the same corner of my room since I wore it about a month back.
6. A bunch of fliers I unnecessarily transported from my pigeon hole to my room. Should really have thrown them away.
7. A packet of tobacco. No I don't smoke. This guy asked me to pass it to my neighbour yesterday since he was in London. I clearly have not done so.
8. Socks. Plenty of them. I haven't formally washed my socks once since coming here. By formally I mean I haven't gone to the laundry room with the express purpose of washing socks. There may have been stray pairs in the loads I washed though. I might be wearing the same socks everyday, I wouldn't know. I just wear the first two I pick up off the carpet. Rather convenient practice. They don't smell, not to me anyway.
9. An alarm clock which I have yet to battery. I do history and economics, I wake up when I want to, okay.
10. The box my Hungarian Goose Feather duvet came in. It is the shit.
11. Frost on my window. It is cold and I don't have the heating on. I just got back and am writing this in a jacket, muffler and gloves.
12. The lovely smell of grapefruit. I took pains to invest in a decent air freshener.
13. My 1000 page copy of the Oxford Exam Regulations. Every room has a copy and mine is by the door because I use it to keep it open. It closes by itself so I wedge the book in the column between the back of the door and the hinge to keep it open.
14. The white board below my sink that was collapsed when I first entered the room, revealing some fluffy matter around the sink pipes that looked suspiciously like a dead rat's remains or asbestos. Neither would have been good. I got the board quickly and avoided investigation.
15. My cellphone, which says it is 2.35. I should sleep soon.