Nov 13, 2004 14:05
Mother is being very generous latley, and she has decided to get my an XBOX and Halo2 game. I cannot wait, she is taking a nap right now, and then we are going to go get it. I've sold my PS2, I've grown distant to it, I no longer like using it even. I think I've used Xbox more than a PS2 anyways.
Latley nothing great has happened in our school. I'm still having trouble in MR. KEster's class, because he is insanley hard, otherwise I am doing good in all my other classes. Mrs. Sitton another hard teacher is out because of pregnancy, and she won't be back until December, so that means we get one huge test, and then a final right after that. So our grades will be decided on that. Next week progress reports come out, and I need to get some good grades in that otherwise I am screwed.
Its time to get serious aboutschool. I need to spend more time studying and doing better on tests, otherwise I won't get into any good colleges. Like Boston Univeristy or something sweet like that. Yeah...
Blargh... School isn't doing so well.
Soon I will be working on my websites.. mabye a couple of changes nothing new probabley, unless I get some creative inspiration.