Shy and Share are sisters AND best friends! XD
Well, at least their first interaction after becoming a teen wasn't a noogie! Yay for something different!
kafjhedkfjha, damn Aubergine ate the couch. >8[
Yay, LTW for Jan! Her new one is...I don't remember.
Shy's a good bowler! And she looks so cute while doing it too! You'd never know from looking at this picture that she's got no nice points at all to her name.
Shy and the good witch aren't getting off to a great start. And NOW the 0 nice points come out. Apparently she was saving them for him.
Gee, I wonder why he won't let you hug him, Shy. Maybe because you practically took his head off about a minute ago.
So cute! Take a good last look at adult Sapph...
And say hello to Elder!Sapph! She's still gorgeous!
Jan still wants her, granny panties and all!
Lotus got fired from her job and then ran away, so Shy hops on the phone to report it. Poor Lotus. I don't think I've ever had a pet run away before.
While Lotus is gone, her baby grows up! Welcome, Adult!Polite!
Jan is old now, but she's still gorgeous! I was really lucky this time. I never have TWO great-looking elders at the same time. 8)
Shy invites the good warlock over, and after just a few massages and friendly hugs, he agrees to turn her into a witch!
Ooh, pretty.
Shy invites Gretchen here home from school, and immediately, they start heartfarting all over each other. She's pretty enough, and we'll be switching hoods after this generation, so she'll do for now.
As soon as they started flirting with each other, Shy got a want to buy a love potion, and since she's generation purple, I had to oblige!
Shy: Whew! Ready to get my flirt on! She'll never be able to resist me now!
Uh, Shy, she couldn't resist you before. The potion might be going a bit overboard.
They actually got along worse after she took the potion. It took a few tries to get to this point, even though they both wanted it. Stupid faulty love potion. That matchmaker's a fraud!
Finally though, Gretchen gives Shy her first kiss! And from there on out, it's pretty much a piece of cake.
*has a feeling Gretchen may be a succubus* *shudder*
Shy: Meh, She's still doable.
Lotus came back! Yay! She looks so enthused about it.
Lotus: Damn neighbours, bringing me home. *grumble*
When any of my sims go on a date, when they reach Dream Date status, I usually just leave them alone for the rest of the date, cause it gets boring once they hit the top mark anyway. So after Shy and Gretchen hit Dream Date status, I left them alone and checked on every one else in the family. A little while later, this girl showed up on the lot, and, forgetting that Shy and Gretchen were still on a date, had Shy try to flirt with her. I remembered as Shy was flirting, so it was too late to stop her. Thankfully, it didn't go over so well, and everything went downhill really quickly, so no harm done! Except maybe with the relationship between these two, but meh, we'll never see this girl again anyway, so who cares? lol.
Gretchen is none the wiser! They're really cute together.
Ooh, Sapph! Get down with your bad self!
Yay, two plaques down! Games and Literature.
Aubergine, you little fucker! That's the second couch you've ruined! This is gen 1! The Prides aren't made of money!
So, when Rhys Rowan happens by, Jan invites him in and offers to give him Aubergine. He readily accepts. Poor bastard. Luckily, he doesn't actually have a couch for Aubergine to ruin, or at least, not that we know of. XD
Sorry, Rhys, Jan is so not into that shit. Maybe in another generation, if there are ever any boys born.
Ooh, glowey. Preeeeeeetty.
vadljva;lvjha, she's so goddamn cute.
Who needs bowling when you can suck each other's faces off? In front of everyone else.
Wow, Gretchen must've really loved that date. I wonder if there's a hack that makes Sims give gifts that are more appropriate to their financial situation. I love when townies give gifts like these, but it kind of feels like cheating a little bit.
Man, I really wish this guy was coming with them to the new hood. He's so pretty, and he's got giant elf ears! So cool. If I can find him, maybe I'll clone him over. He's adorable.
Aww, poor LED died, and I missed the death. Bye LED! You were a great founding cat. 8(
Shy wanted to make out with two sims or wanted two lovers or something, and I had to give her what she wanted! So she used the crystal ball to find this girl, whose name slips my mind. They hit it off quickly. Shy really loves grabbing girls' asses.
And then...the girl gets a little obsessed with her. Apparently she's content to just stand around and watch as Shy learns her magics.
Shy:Fine, you can stay. Just don't block the candle light.
Finally, it's time for Shy to head off to college. Share went at some point too, but I have no idea when. She was boring, and Shy's amazing, so there were hardly any pictures of her once Shy turned into a teen.
She's still absolutely beautiful though! This is YA!Share.
And YA!Shy, who, obviously, is our heir. I'm not sold on the hair and will probably go back to her teen hair or something, but she's still gorgeous.
Now, I played all the way through college, but it was super boring, and as soon as I started, all I wanted to do was quit, so there aren't many pictures, and they're not that interesting. Plus, all I want to do is start the BaCC challenge! You'll see these guys again at some point soon, just not right away, since they're not going to be my first family. I want to add all four of them to the hood at the same time, so I'm going to have to wait till I have enough CAS sims saved up. So this is it for now! Stay tuned to see what happens in the future!
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