Flight of Funny

Apr 13, 2009 13:54

This weekend, p_sunshine and I finally made it down to Kings Dominion for the first of a seasons worth of visits. It was cold and windy, but it didn't rain but on the up side, there was no wait for a ride longer than ten minutes and within an hour and a half we had hit all the big rollercoasters and several of the ones we normally pass on because of the lines at the big ones.

But the moment that made the day for us was at Flight of Fear. If you're unfamiliar, it's a Linear Induction Motor launch (sudden and intense acceleration using magnetic fields) that's completely enclosed inside it's own building and pretty much in the dark the entire time. I love it. While we're waiting in line, there is a very loud, dumb guy going on about how he doesn't want to go, how he's afraid of the dark, how he doesn't want to go upside down. Everyone's ignoring him for the most part because he's not really complaining, he's just looking for attention, but it starts to get amusing once the ride operators start answering his questions.

How long is the ride? About a minute long, they say. This is true.
Is it all in the dark? It's not completely dark, they say. This is also true.
I don't want to go upside down. Their are no inversions, they say. This is untrue.

The loud, dumb guy calms down enough to get strapped into his seat. And the operators give the all clear and there's generally a three second count down before the launch. Instead, the head operator say, "By the way, it does go upside-down" and the car launches out into darkness, one guy screaming in the back while I am laughing my head off. C thought I was going to asuffocate on the ride. And all the rest of the day, I would begin giggling uncontrollably anytime I thought It does go upside-down

Hell, I'm laughing about it right now.
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