Sep 24, 2005 15:52
I’m more put together today. The initial passion has worn off and realization has taken over. I’ve gathered my thoughts about my life. I used to think that I lived vivaciously, but it’s all a public show. In the truly intimate moments in my life when I ponder and reflect on my life until that very instant, I realize that I’m not vivacious, I’m more tentative, cautious.
Risks are like defective film that have been overheated in the truck en route to the local pharmacy. They’re probably a bit warped, but there is a chance that pictures will come out perfect despite the conditions and past. The pictures may develop. Or they may not. You don’t know until you take the film for developing if it was worth it to snap precious seconds and memories of your life on a hit-or-miss chance roll of film. For the sentimental person, the choice is clear: don’t choose to waste the pictures on a roll that may not work at all. But for the person truly living their life, it’s just one more fun chance of having some really neat photos. That’s the big question, isn’t it? That’s the whole problem. They just might come out. Maybe they won’t be perfect-- they could be blurred, only shadows and forms, or cut off in the middle- but it’s probably worth a shot.
There are plenty of instances of failed relationships all around us. Some people cycle in and out of failed relationships that still managed to be mostly love. Did they fail? It seems like it… after all, if dedication and love can’t fix the problems, what is there? But for that time… they were with someone. Isn’t it better not to be alone that whole time? I protect my heart from some things, mostly people, but is that really better than taking a risk that could have awesome results? Is it brave to hold myself apart because I’m scared that something may not be forever? For me, it’s not brave, but it is safe. Our whole lives are about love, being loved and showing love, loving on others. In the end… won’t our lives be slivers of sadness, disappointment, abandonment, and loneliness? Won’t the bigger slices of our life be about love and happiness? I hope so… but I can’t obtain that slice if I’m safe all the time. Holding people back from you and denying yourself of positive things isn’t strong. It makes you weaker because you’re doing it out of fear of taking chances. Risks are what make us who we are, how we grow, how we let go and give into it.
There are constant whirls in my life… swirls of activity and anticipation. The leap is inevitable . I’m not just on the edge, with my toes curling around the edge of the cliff… I’m already in midair.