today i went to work. and filed some folders, then updated some g.p.a.'s of office employees and then shoved rewards into envelopes for the good ones. yipee. although i admit, it was more entertaining than yesterdays hours of entering id numbers into a spreadsheet. then i got back to the apartment (a.k.a. took an elevator 6 floors up) made some pasta, and hung out with kat. so pretty much spent the greater half of my day on my ass. Tomorrow theres some sort of retreat for the student employees that starts at 10 in the morning. i havent decided if i wanna participate yet. I havent been up before noon in at least a month. Its hard getting to know people when everyone already knows each other. Shit maybe i should just go for it and not be a little pussy afraid of being uncomfortable. I'm just not in a human interaction kind of vibe these days....
lost the train of thought. instant messanger keeps bugging me