is listening to thursday-understanding in a car crash the day you get your lisence a bad omen?

May 27, 2004 15:37

if so, then i am screwed.

so yeah. got my lisence today. got to the dmn at 6:30. we were the first people there, but more people came soon after. umm..when in around 7:40, talked to the nice lady who would be my driving instructor person. took the test. i was sure i had failed it when i was driving back, but i passed. she said i lost 26 points, but i odnt know how many you can miss and still pass, so if ya know, fill me in :).

got home and took isaiah to dennys for brunch. it was good. then we went to best buy to hang out until mom needed the car. altogeather it was nice.

going to peru meeting tonight, so i gotta get dinner started for family. :)

lova ya'lls
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