Harvest Moon Manga!

Dec 28, 2006 22:18


I have waited... so long for one to actually be made for this series. The best part is that it's drawn by the official character illustrator, so all of the artwork is really cute! The storyline confused me a bit at times, but that's because it's based on the one for the upcoming DS game, The Island Grows With You. And I haven't played it yet, of course. XD;

I really hope that they'll eventually make more manga based on a few of the other games, especially the ones with my two favorite characters in them, Lyla and Popuri. One with the HM 64 storyline would be so awesome--if they don't make one sooner or later, then I might become so desperate to the point where I'll try to draw one myself. I've always wanted to read one like that, so I think it'd be a lot of fun. =^_^= I'll just have to start practicing drawing in that style!

Besides that, I don't really have much else to say. I'm currently working on a new Harvest Moon mood theme, using pictures of the different girls from the DS game. I found them here at the Ushi no Tane site; I'll make sure to give credit to them if I do end up using the pictures. I just think that they're all so cute! Examples are:

Sooo, I can't wait until I get all of them organized. X3 I only showed the ones of Popuri, but I have similar pictures of all of the other girl characters, so I'm sure that it'll work out perfectly. ♥ If not, then I'll still have my Kingdom Hearts one saved, so I can switch back to it instantly!

And um, when I was bored earlier I just decided to create another account... I guess because I wanted to snag the username before anyone else did. I kind of like it better than my current one, so I'm contemplating whether or not I should switch over to that account and use it as my main journal. The name is bloominglove--and ignore the layout for now, because I'm testing everything out and it might change sooner or later. (I wanted to see how the Component style would work compared to this, since I like it.) I'm going through this random Harvest Moon phase for some reason, so I wanted to use my Lyla icon that Chrystie made for me, even though I had to crop it in order to be able to. The name also suits everything well, since it's all flowery, and Lyla works at a flower shop in one of the games.

Anyway, I can't seem to decide. I'd like to put it to use somehow, but I'd hate to just abandon this account since I've only used it for a few months. It's a shame that I can't use it for an icon journal or anything, because that would be perfect, eh? Any suggestions would really help!

(By the way, my brother and I also switched dogs the other day--it was totally his idea--so now we actually have the right ones. XD I figured that he would come around eventually. I'm totally happy having either one, though, so it wasn't that big of a deal to me. But I'm still glad that I get the extra-sweet one! ♥)

games, internet

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