Dec 28, 2006 19:56
Miss Jackie, a family friend from long before I was born, passed away this morning. I called all my sibs to let them know, and all were shocked.
Especially my baby sis, who has denied me her cell phone # lo these long three years since she's had it. I boosted it off my mom's cell, which she leaves lying about...and when sis figured out it was me, she hung up on me immediately! So I went to town to get a suit, and on my return some 7 hours later, it seemed natural to inquire whether my sis had been heard from. My mom declined to answer my question, saying she wasn't getting into I texted the info to my sis. I'll be texting her twice daily until I hear back from her.
I love you too, E...share your blog! It was nice spending time with near you at Christmas.
Edit: I now understand that she's gotten the message.