London Banshee

Dec 06, 2005 19:24


been a fast busy ride today really

got the basic outline so far of the mag together ~ is more to put in (mostly the funny bits:) and i've gotta write an article about the fetish scene, the mag itself, detailz of the UDP work, and hopefully that's all ;-)

anywaze.... here's what there is so far.... - somwhere someone - living the moment - becomming...... - chinese proverbs - telling the truth

[ something else here - possibly a bit from david icke's new book about the concept of 'success' ] - saddam & games he plays - laugh enlightenment - the awakening - shine within poem - galactic fairytale - understanding dimensions - dimensional consciousness (just 4th & 5th bits)

+ poem - manifesting reality

[ article on fetish scene - with focus on the vibe (gezellig:) l-o-v-e..... ] - LOVE

On a chain of beautiful deserted islands in the middle of nowhere,
the following people are stranded:

>> > Two Italian men and one Italian woman
>> > Two French men and one French woman
>> > Two German men and one German woman
>> > Two Greek men and one Greek woman
>> > Two English men and one English woman
>> > Two Bulgarian men and one Bulgarian woman
>> > Two Japanese men and one Japanese woman
>> > Two Chinese men and one Chinese woman
>> > Two Irish men and one Irish woman
>> > Two American men and one American woman
>> >
One month later, on these absolutely stunning deserted islands in the middle of nowhere, the following things have occurred:

>> >One Italian man killed the other Italian man for the Italian woman.
>> >
>> > The two French men and the French woman are living happily together in menage a trois.
>> >
>> >The two German men have a strict weekly schedule of alternating visits with the German woman
>> >
>> > The two Greek men are sleeping with each other and the Greek woman is cleaning and cooking for them.
>> >
>> > The two English men are waiting for someone to introduce them to the English woman.
>> >
>> >The two Bulgarian men took one look at the Bulgarian woman and started swimming to another island.
>> >
>> >The two Japanese have faxed Tokyo and are awaiting instructions.
>> >
>> >The two Chinese men have set up a pharmacy/liquor store/restaurant/laundry and have gotten the woman pregnant in order to supply employees for their store.
>> >
>> >The two Irish men divided the island into North and South and set up a distillery. They do not remember if sex is in the picture because it gets somewhat foggy after a few liters of coconut whiskey. However, they're satisfied because the English aren't having any fun.
>> >
>> >The two American men are contemplating suicide, because the American woman will not shut up and complains relentlessly about her body, the true nature of feminism, what the sun is doing to her skin, how she can do anything they can do, the necessity of fulfillment, the equal division of household chores, how sand and palm trees make her look fat, how her last boyfriend respected her opinion and treated her nicer than they do, and how her relationship with her mother is the root cause of all her problems, and why didn't they bring a cell phone so they could call 911 and get them all rescued off this godforsaken deserted island in the middle of nowhere so she can get her nails done and go shopping. - understanding orgasm - intimacy ecstasy bliss - contribution feminine

[ li'l bit about equality of sexes and people/living thingz etc ] - other mothers other movements - wisdom and life - defeat big brother - UDP 002

[ description of magazine, project detailz etc ]

[ short piece on anarchy - the reality ] - anti-authoritarian organising - poem - mayan magic (only a bit of it tho')

A New Question

All of Consciousness has had one goal in its evolution, to discover
what it is NOT. Consciousness experiences the universe by comparison.
The basic comparison is that the conscious is NOT whatever was
experienced. For at least 100,000 years mankind has been pursuing the
question, "Who am I?" Or, "Why am I here?" and "What am I doing?"
That question has been used by the Church and State to bind people to
some standard or another, to some identity or another, to one belief
system or another. Consciousness is none of these things. There are
only the considerations of Consciousness. We are not our bodies, our
minds, our jobs, cars, relationships, nor our reputations or even our
aspirations. As the Mayan calendar clearly shows, Creation is
speeding up and presenting more and more of itself in each moment.
This means that more and more is possible to be experienced and
compared by Consciousness. The Mayan calendar ends on October 28,
2011, by which time Creation's exposure rate will have accelerated
such that it presents itself in total, all in one moment thus ending
any and all considerations of time and space as any barrier to
Consciousness. The path to this moment leads us through the Galactic
consciousness cycle that we are currently in to the Universal
consciousness cycle that begins on February 10, 2011. In this 260 day
period, Consciousness will be experiencing more and more of what it
is NOT until the certainty sets in that we are indeed - NO THING!
Start answering the new question, "What am I not?" today and watch
your existence change forever. Let's look at this process in a little
more detail to help us realize more fully what is happening in this
time and space. In the past, you may have had the possibility of only
three things happening in a given moment, i.e., a good outcome, a bad
outcome, and an outcome somewhere in between. At present, there are
more and more opportunities available to you, more and more choices.
Creation is speeding up. This will continue until it
is totally possible to create any reality you can imagine! In
comparison to 180 years ago, today we're wizards. In the future,
there will be even more possibilities. Consider teleportation,
genetic research, nanoscale technologies and the prospect of
molecular computing. Life will be very different. People will be
losing their jobs because by the time we have produced a product and
get ready to market it, it will have become obsolete. Sound familiar?
There will be massive changes in the way we do business. Imagine a
person 100 years ago trying to your job today, coupled with the
changes in our economy will come changes in our monetary system.
The beginning of the Seventh Day of the Planetary cycle in 1992
brought the beginning of a very long period of uninterrupted growth
in the West and especially the US. This period of growth actually
took place in a situation that is new in the history of the world
economy in that there was no gold standard in effect. In the 90's,
economic policy seemed very successful as a number of innovations in
the computer industry and telecommunications crated a mental
confidence in a growth that would go on forever.We should notice a
parallel here between the Days ruled by Ometeotl in both the National
and Planetary cycles. During the Seventh Day of the National cycle,
paper money came into use in the West, which meant an abstraction
from real values. When the Seventh Day of the Planetary cycle began,
as a further step, this paper money lost all relations to real
values - in this case, gold. In this way, the world economy has
come to be based on a monetary system, which is basically worthless. What is behind this pattern to begin
with? It is well known that the purpose of disconnecting the value of
money from gold when economic depressions begin is exactly to keep
the wheels of industry turning with artificial means (disconnecting
from real values). What is less well known is that these depressions
came about as results of the mental effects of the Nights in the
Mayan calendar. As human industrial creativity increases at the
beginning of new Days, on the other hand, there is a risk of
overheating and hence there has then been a tendency to reinstate the
gold standard to keep things grounded. Regardless, the effects of
abolishing the gold standard for long periods, and a number of
mechanisms in banking that I will not go into, are that today's
monetary system is a mental construct floating in the air based on
the "confidence" people have in it.

Simply stated, we began eons ago by exchanging things of value, i.e.,
sticks and rocks. During the Cultural cycle we advanced to prettier
rocks, i.e., gold, silver, gems. During the National cycle we got
paper money and a banking system. Now we have an economy based on
electrons and plastic cards. The medium of exchange has gotten less
and less physical. The stock market goes up and down by how people
are THINKING about it!

What will be the medium of exchange in the future? It will have
evolved into a spiritual exchange to that which is admired. Particles
of admiration. Love. That's all you were ever doing in the first
place. How much was a blanket worth? As much as you admired it. Its
true value was based upon how much you admired. Humanity will be
investing in what is admirable and nothing else. Your TRUTH, your
ETHICS, your INTEGRITY is what will sustain you through all the
changes. Therefore, you must have the courage to create what you wish
to experience. You will be able to take advantage of the
opportunities. Those people without integrity, will bring upon
themselves what their own consciousness is focused on, their own FEAR
and their own JUDGMENT. All this boils down to decision time. You can decide to
stay on the power train and hunt down the almighty dollar. Or, you
can choose integrity. - legally blonde 2 - responsibility - so, what you gonna do? - mexican - revolution tijd (this bit just for web version - and web version just a rough guide to what the real thang can be - like a template/blueprint - the idea/spirit of it) - inner-peace - toltec wisdom back page (might change, coz this was already used for Dam Banshee) (yeah.... it will change... just dunno what to yet;)

i'm bit knackered now

need good soak in the bath

(can smell maself, so must be bad;)


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