Hmm.. haven't really had time to write much lately.
Work is in full swing. My motivation got a nice lift with the screening of "
An Inconvenient Truth" at work on Friday. Our company can really be a key piece in a huge automotive revolution!
So I'm doing longer hours, mostly by getting to work earlier. It's so much more productive to wake up earlier. It's annoying that Rosina always like to sleep in though.
It's been nice that we've spent more time together lately. Her new work is easier for now, giving her much more time and energy for us. I've pulled back some commitments and it's working out nicely, though I might miss some people and groups later. Always so many things to do, so little time!
Gotta screen the film at my complex, coinciding with my motion at the strata AGM for basic funds for energy improvement assessment work. It will be interesting how many people I get. I see there being basically three groups of people, as far as awareness and willingness to change for the climate crisis goes:
1) those part or full believers, who will come and are already sold;
2) the ones who don't believe the lastest evidence and has been brainwashed by all the media doubt-creation during 1998-2005;
3a) those who either don't care about anything else but themselves, (not really even their kid's futures!) or
3b) don't think they have any responsibility to do personal changes if government isn't forcing others. I really hope I get alot of group 2 people at the screening.
For group 3 I really need ideas how to reach them. My parents are in group 3b I think. At the same time, they don't vote, keep up with politics much, or write to government! They have nicely removed themselves from any involvement with self-fulling prophecy (government must do it, but I'm not going to voice myself to the government). Sometimes I wonder if they truly care at all and are actually 3a types, disguising themselves because they see I am in group 1.
Yoga is getting a bit irregular, about once a week, but I hope to do at least 2-3times a week at home. It's not quiet the same though, I don't remember everything we do in class, and you won't spend an hour like in a class. But still very good to do it on my own.
BCSEA meeting tonight, marketing manager from BC Hydro Power Smart letting us know they've done well and have more grand plans as part of new BC Energy Plan. Next big step: behaviour! They have good experience running behavior campaigns already; people's comments go from "why are the bathroom lights off?" to "I turned the lights off when someone was in the stall!" We have work to do, but it can be done, it's always been that way in Europe and Asia.