Sep 29, 2010 14:15
and it just gets worse...
on top of moving, my art class, drama, and whatever else was previously mentioned, now I have to paint an ENTIRE WALL BY MYSELF for my UNCLE... REALISTIC PAINTING? FOR FUCKING REAL??? this guy is like my freakin Dad and he's just always telling me to do shit I cant do! He thinks I can- HO HO HO! that's a laugh! So what do I say? "No, I need to disappoint you again and say no, I'm sorry"?I just cant be perfect for him... and thats always what he wants...
turns out my baby Crookshanks (My cat) Is like really really sick at Grandma's... not meowing right and stuff... sick... so now, he might be dying... great... perfect... splendid...
and much more crap...
... oh aaand I'm starting to get really really mean to some friends... who the hell is that person? that person that's all defensive and threatens their friends, "Don't you even fucking dare or I'll bust your shit!"... That's not me.... that was never me.... I want that person away. I just want to be at peace... happy... damn it...