(no subject)

Oct 01, 2006 00:30

sooo maybeeeee he's not as much of an idiot as i think he is...eh he can be cute sometimes i guess lol here's my friends view on love:

So you wanna know what Love is...???...its when your with someone and you cant see anything around you, the pretty girl to the right or any other girl...its when you dont even give her time to reach for the bill...Love is a word that is always capitalized and never said at the wrong moment, because if it's true Love, there is no wrong moments to say it...its when you are with them and when she speaks you don't even have to listen to know what is coming out of her mouth because you are sharing the same thought, Love...the shining moment when nothing else matters, when u put the drink or cigarette down for her because you see the look on her face, dissapointment is not a factor because it doesn't get to that stage...Love is when you look at a picture and you know that shes at the same moment thinking of you...you go on dates, you go to the movies, dinner...but your favorite time is on the couch, looking in each others eyes...someone can go on and on about Love...because truthfully...its the most aspiring moment in one human beings life...when they realize "i've felt it"...its when your heart is torn and you can't sleep at night, and it hurts to see that picture of her...but you insist on putting it on your bedstand...its when it is time for your wedding...and the first person you think to invite...is the first person who taught you what Love is...its when your gazing in her eyes...and at the same time you say the three magical words that are said too much and can never mean enough..."i Love you..."...and thats all it is...
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