And now for the second batch! Beware, there are many pictures below. I'm really not kidding...
I made a shocking ceiling discovery...
This was the head...
...this was the body...
...and this was the tail.
We had to go up a couple of levels to get the full effect. Standing under that thing is frightening.
Children will be scarred forever.
This is James in the bird cage.
James is amused by my joke-making skills.
This was the balance-testing exhibit. James fell over seconds after this picture was taken.
I, however, managed to press the button with my nose...thus making me the winner.
I discovered genitaux feminins in 3-D...Intriguing, no?
James is pleased to exhibit his reproductive organs...
We turned around and were startled to find this severed tree section, suspended from the ceiling with no explanation whatsoever...
Something about this exhibit seemed familiar to James...
...his love affair with the science of weaving! Of course! How could we have forgotten?
James eskimo kisses the glowy ball...
...and admires the sexy black violin. (which was illegal at the time, as he was on his musical sabbatical)
I spent some time getting to know the scary, scary frankenstein lady with the tennis racket.
Then we stumbled upon this fascinating contraption...
...James used his man-power to make it work, but it wasn't enough.
So I went for a pleasant bike ride through the park...
...filled up this big bubble thing with water...
...and generated enough energy to make this siren thing go off! Hooray! Second victory for Gin!
The propellor and I celebrated together. He told me all about the stuff, let me tell you...
James needed to recover his sense of manhood, so he make the bridge shake by jumping on it.
It shook this much! Congratulations James!
Then I discovered the drinking birds...except one of them wouldn't come up for air...
He was drunk and slowly drowning in his vodka martini...I tried to help him out, but the glass got in the way.
Then we went bobsledding!
James braved the icy winds first. You can just see his discomfort...
I was scared.
The winds were icy. My face did the cartoon thing, where your skin becomes all loose and flies off your face...
Then James scaled the very tall rock climbing exhibit...
James is a sexy rock climber...
Then we tested the strength of our grips. James went first.
He scored about 28...
Then it was my turn...
I scored a 42. Victory number three!
Then James tried to beat my score using both hands...the results were not documented due to extreme shame...
Then we had a wheel chair race! Guess who won...
Victory number four!
Then James insisted that we try baseball...
...look at his form!
This impressive throw scored him some high number which I can't remember anymore...
Next it was my turn. There is no further documentation of this activity due to exrteme shame.
Let's just say, other Science Centre patrons stopped to watch and laugh at me as I tried many times to hit the mark...
Then we drove space machines! James did not hit any of his targets...he couldn't figure out how to steer...
I figured out how to steer very quickly...
and proceeded to hit two of my targets! Victory number five! I was so proud...
Then James spun until he felt sick.
Then we did another balance exercise. James balanced out at about 2 feet.
I had trouble making the platform balance...
...but eventually scored at about 3.5 feet. Victory number six!
Next we wanted to have a rowing competition...but they turned everything off! No warning or anything!
I cried. A lot.
On the way out, I cuddled with the bunny in the basket. He was very soft and whispered sweet nothings in my ear...
And that was my Science Centre Adventure with James! Don't you feel like you were right there with us?