week 025 : final reminder

Jan 23, 2011 00:54

Story is, end of the semester's coming up, so that means that I've been having to turn in last minute stuff for my classes, and that finals are coming up. Which is why I've been late with posting like, everything. Sorry about that, but hopefully I'll be back on schedule tonight. Results for week 024 will be posted tonight as well.

There are now eighteen icons from seven participants! Yay for more icons. ♥
Anyway, just wanted to drop a reminder to those of you who like to enter last minute (like me lol). More is always welcomed and appreciated. 8)
Get your icons in by 9pm PST tonight!

Your themes are...
General: Hair
Image: Bakuman. art from Usamaru FURUYA

submit here please!

week 025, reminder

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