If it wasn't made by me, I had to find it somewhere. Here's a list of the people, places, and sites I've downloaded stuff from for use in my wallpapers, icons, layouts, and fanarts. Also here are some sites that I may not have downloaded anything from, but I think you should take a look at anyways. It's updated on a fairly regular basis (or will be, once I'm finally able to finish putting everything here).
If you think I've used something of yours and you don't see your name/site here, please let me know so I can credit you!
100x100_brushescolortonetehindymeleadacolorfilter_hakanaidreamsEchoicaMiss M.Annika von Holdt (brushes no longer available)
Hybrid GenesisDigital Bristle T E X T U R E S
100x100_brushespastcitylightscolortonetehindycolorfilterpfefferminzchengraphicjunkie_hakanaidreamsashke_icons I M A G E S
Serenity Screencaps, by
cassieeSerenity Cast T U T O R I A L S
Most of these I haven't used, but it's interesting to look at how someone created the icon/wallpaper/thing they did.
Ooh Snap's linksPixel FX