
Dec 14, 2004 04:42

What a digital weekend...
i feel like i am an annimation, kind of imortal but i still feel the pain.
i feel like i am porn . sex an naked you's in my mind. i feel like a dark cloud just about to burst into rain, just about to burst into tears.
i feel like my heart is made of paper and you where about to burn it.
i feel like my second universe and can i jump into any time i please...

"and we ar joined at the hip like siamease twins" Ed Harcourt knows...

[everything is
ur the only light i can
see i need u ur my only hope but this u don't see]

sammy's words of wisdom that see forgot it's roots...

i am all fogy streets... oh my what a medafore
i feel like puting ciggaretts out all over my body. i feel like taking a bath in surgical metho.
Sammy!!! don't react keep going. you were going great. you sound like a writer with writers block. oh frustration... right, wrong. you seem to turn everything into anger. sometimes you pass it onto me... but i like it. great things to come...
a circle can be a sqaure with a few little adjustments sammy ramember that...next... now... oh so very now...
caught up in the moment and nothing...nothing at all gets a reaction. give me time i will fix this... i will fix this with this pen... i will write away my life and pass it to you, and you can read only between the lines missing the obviouse truth i bearly spell out for you. simplify this by three... remember me three months ago... remember me 365 days ago. it's always been this way... do you remember.
i feel years away and decades ahead... i never no whats behind me unless i look... everything now seems like a rhyme that is beeing mumbled, yes of thirteen seconds ago...a cahnge in pace a change in mind the change in body i never new. all the new things have become old i am looking foward to more new things to replace this...
wait... you look at me like i am glass, dirty glass and you and you can only see the smudges on me... i need a clean so you can see right trough me.
i feel like i am writing for the first time like i have never held a pen this way... but i have stared at them for years i guess i am just a little slow...a little left behind a little to used to waiting. but this kind of wait is worth it and like many before it might change... i want to stick my hand in the fan and watch my blood splatter on the wall. so i can make out pictures in it...
all sence i make in this i leave out litlle and miss alot. it's so obviouse to me.
and good never felt like enough how i like th pain i get from not enough. i want you to look at me as if i am a piece of wood cut with the grain it will be easyer for you... writting on my face feels like... fuck it...
no more... did it feel good when you said... did if feel like you where me and i was you... and "like really" says it all for you...
in the end this is all the same... imprervise... tell me like you where writing but i was your papper. how obsured does this feel now after lines and feelings sharred i feel a little cold... lovelyhow lovely worded and placed did that all sound... the little less obviouse is what this isn't... is saying...
not enouh...
i don't know...
what i say to everythin?
do you know me? this dosn't feel like anythin it should or anything before this... this feels like 12 weeks jamed into 2 minutes... i want to feel hlaf true like this forever... i feel half true or is it you. oh a rhyme... it sounded nice that time... a turn of the page... what is this you speak of. is as obviouse to you as it is to me.. i missed you even more today... different... it pushes laughter out of my throat... besause of wishes and hopes so high... she read me lik i was a poem... all in rhyme out of time.. you you read me like well... however you feel at the time. change... brings fear to my mind i'm all ... thers always something wrong, with a strange half smile on my face... i feel like covering my body in PVA glue and making you peel it off... i feel like holding my tuonge on a hot light bulb until it stars to burn... i right "me" like it is miss spelt and a little unfimilliar... i will let you correct me...
i feel like putting fake nails on just so i can bite them off...
and you feel like slicing you bottom lip off like a fish... i'm all tell me the why's to everything... and thinking of how disgusting it would feel to lick the toilet seat... where is this coming from and where is this coming from and where is this going and where is this going. it's like everything now anopther change in pace and mind... all because i can hear you smoking. a reality check of some kind it's all in the music i figured out . next before i start to believe what my mind is so whillingly sugesting like i always knew... your voice some what inspiers me or maybe it's the way you word and cure and imply... i can't make sence of anything in this world' time' or place. thime time now is to jump into music... noe over imdulging in this is going well... and like my misspelt words just say it like it is... if you cant do me anything else just say it like it is...
say it like it is...
say it like it is...
say it like it is...
repetitive i know but what isn't...
what never is is never is this is going to be a long 30 minutes that i have already lived but with better words and now a little less obviouse... like really what does... i lost my train of thought for the secong time i have picked up this pen... i didn't know what to write i didn't know what to finish that with. is this the long awaited reaction i get this neverending change of mind and pace... it's comforting recently wrote words straight form your mouth and into my ming and straight from my mind and recorded on to paper for the secong time... what do you want? write it like you are the paper this time. like i am the pen and you are the paper this timewhat a thouht you writing on yourself with me a pen... you paper.... my heart was paper would you enjoy wacthing it burn? like the same enloyment it would leave printed on my heartless body...?if i was a tree would you water me? what s with the ryhmes thats about three times...
notieced now... i like it until three minutes ago when i realise i never did and never will... a reastionless sentence seems to be hard to find. a little diferent from 10 minutes ago isn't it... would you... lost for the second timetonight... that's theat that was a fink fuck... writting backwards seems like only yesterday...printing has turned into cursive writing... oh my dear did you just change a little? what brought that on?
smuther me drown me like you should of moths ago... kill me with words toturn me with your pen and tease me with your body... i feel like eating no drinking ink... out of a bottle... then i could write with my fingers...
tell me the things that you don't like to tell me and i will tell you nothing at all...it's the way i work...i don't need...
would this be the same if you had read it to youself these words did not come out og my mouth...
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