Title: Untitled (for the moment)
Fandom: House and Harry Potter crossover
Pairing: House/Wilson and House/Snape (no threesome, as per requester's request)
Warning: Incomplete WIP, just wanting a little feedback to see if it's worth going further with.
A/N: Requested by
scarlett_moon; She asked for House/Snape gennish, no threesome, Wilson's thoughts on the matter. I tweaked it, because I need House/Wilson. I can't pair him with anyone else!
Anyway, it's rough and unfinished and I apologize in advance.
One bright, beautiful Saturday morning, Wilson is awakened by a tapping on the window. Insistent, like House rapping with his cane.
He rolls over, eyeing the alarm clock with baleful eyes. The tapping continues, more insistent every second.
"Fine, fine," he mutters. It's probably one of House's stupid pranks. He wishes now that he'd just gone to a damned hotel.
The tapping stops, for which he's profoundly grateful.
Dirty dishes still in the sink. Typical.
He peers out of the window, sees nothing, and turns to grab some milk from the fridge.
And the tapping begins again.
An owl. An owl, at the window. House's window.
What the hell.
He almost drops the milk when he realizes that it has a letter.
Curiosity killed the cat and all that.
He leans forward to unlatch the window, but is stopped by House's cane poking his shoulder. "Don't."
Wilson whips around, heart thumping. "What?"
House doesn't answer, stumping over to the window and unlatching it himself. Taking the letter from the owl, he reached into his pocket and grabbed some odd-looking coins and placing them one by one into a bag attached to the owl's leg.
"What the hell are you doing?" Wilson figures he either must be sleeping, hallucinating, or House has finally succeeded in driving him absolutely insane.
"Owl post." House says, holding up the letter, as if that explained everything.
"Owl what-now? House, you paid the owl."
"He did a fine job. You over-tip the pizza guy, don't hear me complaining," House says, words muffled by the envelope held in his mouth. In his hands, he holds a piece of parchment, fine-looking with close, cramped lines of script, that he is scanning through quickly.
Wilson has no words. He doesn't even know where to begin.
House relents, folding the parchment into a strictly-thirded rectangle, tucking it back into its envelope. "Friend of mine. Met him at school."
Wilson frowns. He's never heard House refer to anyone else as "friend". "School? The boarding school your parents sent you to for a couple of years?"
"That's the one," House says, pouring milk into his cereal, obviously ready to change the subject.
"And the owl thing?" Wilson could perhaps let the "old school friend"-angle alone, but the owl situation was killing him.
"Nothing you'd care to understand," House says, "Just say that he's a little eccentric."
"The fact that you're calling someone eccentric frightens me," Wilson retorts. He's not satisfied, not at all, but decides to let it go for the moment.
Until the next morning...