Jan 03, 2006 19:05
With stitches!
Yep, Nicky regrets the fact that he didn't make a resolution to NOT get stitches this year. *snaps fingers* 5 of the little buggers in fact, in the bottom of my foot, which is just wrong.
Not that I'm a stranger to stitches. But of the things I wanted to do today, that was not one of them. And I'm a pussy ass bitch when it comes to pain or having holes in my body (well, except the ones that have jewelry in them. That doesn't bother me. Go figure). I freely admit it. I've had more than 150 stitches over the course of my lifetime, but that doesn't make it any easier for me to handle.
'cause it's just fuckin' nasty. *shudder*
But yeah, y'know how it's been raining like a mo'fucker here in SoCal, right? Well, I went over to Auntie's to annoy her, 'cause I'm sick of off days, and this was my last one, and whatever. So I have to take off my shoes to go inside, 'cause she's having one of her cleaning fits, due to the kids/dogs/everybody tracking mud all on her carpet.
And Just HATES the steam cleaner. For reasons unknown, bc he's still nonverbal, and basically refuses to get verbal (another story for another time, but if you don't know, Just is my cousin and he's autistic, enough with the backstory). So he's pissed at his mother, who won't turn off the steam cleaner just to suit his whims, and he's throwing a fit.
It should be noted that I'm sockless at this point, also, bc I got my socks wet walking on the wet steam-cleaned floor (which got me thwapped). So anyway, Just starts throwing stuff and having himself a fine fit, and manages to pick up one of the twin's glass juice bottles. The upshot is, he threw it, it broke, and I (not thinking as per usual), ran over to get his barefooted ass out of the glass.
And so we have stitches. And Doc Julia, who is a prince among women, did NOT take it easy on me, 'cause I'm known for dodging doctor's visits religiously. So I got a tetanus shot, too, along with the numbing shit that hurts like hell. Bitch. *said fondly*
Her reasoning being that anyone with as much metal as I have in my body should have had a tetanus booster thingy ages ago. I think she just likes to cause me pain. She was a dominatrix in a past life, swear to God. Plus, she gave me ten (count 'em) Darvocet, with a gleam in her eye, presumably to ward off me popping pills. Pills have NEVER been my drug of choice (they make me sick to my stomach or loopy or knock me out, and sometimes all three), although I freely admit to being a genuine pot addict.
I want pot. But that's also another story for another time, and don't worry, I won't be getting any. Even if Kare weren't riding my ass. (so to speak. Ya'll are some perverts)
See. Loopy. I have a feeling I'm gonna be puking here in a bit, too. Such is the way of pills. At least my foot doesn't hurt at the moment. I'm gonna go whine at my dad now. Not as effective as whining at my mom (god I wish she were here, I HATE changing wound dressings, they make me gag), but still, fun. ^^