The management is not responsible for any swearing, cursing, lying, or general stupidity. I may or may not agree with my rants, and I may or may not say if I do or not. I also may or may not be a total asshole. You'll have to judge for yourselves ^^
Families are made up of a bunch of people who are genetically designed to piss you off. Everything they do reminds you of something shitty you hate about yourself, but you have to deal with it from them, too. They know exactly what buttons to push, and think it's pretty much their god-given right to push those buttons. And, when you get pissed off, just kinda look at you like you're the one with a problem.
My family is fucking insane. Both sides, but my dad's side especially. And this is fine, I don't mind it, but when I do something even slightly “abnormal” or pull something that's exactly like the shit they pull, I'm the fucking bad guy. I'm supposed to live up to this higher standard, by which apparently I'm the only one who's measured.
Heaven forbid I come with some sort of opinion about this, because I'm just supposed to go along with their bullshit. No one makes any concessions for MY bullshit. Their problems are everyone else's problems, but my problems are taking away from their problems, and therefore can't be allowed. And it's not like I quietly take this crap, I argue and yell and fight as well as anyone else, but somehow when I do it, it's all Stop Showing Out, I Thought You Were Better Than This, and What the Hell Were You Thinking?
The hypocrisy, it burns me. I want to act an ass sometimes. I want to throw a bitch, and create chaos/bedlam/mayhem/uproar/havoc. I want to be able to say Fuck Off. I am not the “Good One”. Why do I have to be? Why can't they put up with some of my crap, just like I put up with theirs?
Do I lecture? NO. Do I question? NO. Do I help clean up the mess? ALWAYS. Fucking one-way streets don't work for me anymore. I'm sick of having being measured by some random fucking benchmarks that other people put into place for me, just because they expect me to reach them. If I'm going to be a good person, that's fine, but I'm going to do it because of me. Not because of how someone else thinks I should behave.
Gay marriage:
Gay marriage is a topic of debate that shouldn't even be a topic of debate. Gay people are people, individuals with certain inalienable rights, given to us by that Constitution-thingummy, and yet we aren't allowed a simple thing that everyone else in the country is allowed to do. Every other minority is protected, but the government says “Nope, you're guys (girls), and you can't get married.”
And I get the whole “religious institution” thing, but once people started getting married by Justices of the Peace, that kind of throws the whole thing out. It's a fucking piece of paper, yes, but it's also a fucking piece of paper that any random fuckers off the street can get, and I want one.
I want one because I can't have one, because I do everything I'm supposed to do, I pay my taxes, I (mostly) stay out of trouble, I (mostly) observe the speed limits, I go to work, I do my thing. If I'm a second-class citizen because of who I go to bed with at night, then don't take my tax money. If I'm not allowed the same rights as everyone else, then what the fuck does being a citizen mean? What does democracy mean? Everyone is created equal, except two guys who do each up other up the ass? (and the female equivalent thereunto...)
It's like this. You may not agree with gay anything. You may think I'm going to hell. You may think I'm should try to not be gay anymore. You may not agree with my marriage, but you sure as hell shouldn't deny me the right to have it. You may think a lot of things, but the government isn't supposed to think anything at all. Marriage should be just as blind as Justice.
Our government says that we can't be persecuted, we can't be denied jobs, we can't be attacked or killed for being gay. But what I'm saying is that the greatest hurt of all is being denied that connection. That stupid piece of paper that says “We're living our life together. We're a family. We're partners.”
I don't want to take anything from anyone, I don't need tax breaks or whatever. I just want to know that what we have means something to someone besides us. That it's recorded. That we're part of this great American dream. I just want what everyone else has.
Use of the word "twink":>
Dear god, Christopher, only you would come up with some stupid shit like this for me to rant about. The only fucking reason you're pissed off about the word “twink”, is because you sir ARE A TWINK. Textbook definition, even. Yes, you're brainy, but you look like you're five. This is not my problem, and I don't see why I should have to rant about it. Accept your fate!! Take your twink status like a man, dammit, if such a thing is possible.
If you want someone to take you seriously about your hatred of being called a twink, STOP whining like one when someone CALLS YOU A TWINK. It is a vicious cycle of GAY, and must be stopped!
^^ I love you, you darling little Twinkie-chan.
Portrayal of gay/lesbian relationships on TV:
Gay/lesbian relationships on TV irritate me so utterly that I can't even think of ONE that I can actually watch. It is fucking ridiculous, when more than half of the fucking writers and whatever in Hollywood are gay, that the stereotypical, inane bullshit gay people are the only thing we get. I want to see a little realism, I want to see actual people in actual relationships that might actually happen here on Earth.
And by the way, the portrayal of all relationships on TV piss me off. Your typical couple doesn't act like the couples on TV, and we would kill them off if they did. I think every character on TV that I like is some sort of dysfunctional fuck-up, because that speaks to me. It's these perfect bitches (male and female) with manufactured problems and manufactured issues and manufactured bodies that I can't stand, with their relationships that have manufactured woes in all the society-appropriate ways.
Back to gay relationships. We aren't aliens. We aren't all the stereotype, although some of us are. Some of us just want you to think that we are. We're individuals, and complicated people whose lives are made even more complicated by the fact that we're pretty much on our own here. It's not like there's anything approaching something we actually deal with in life that isn't either overblown into a Lifetime movie of the week, or underplayed as an afterthought to the main character's manufactured problem that's SO MUCH MORE important than our gay-ass whining.
And this also pertains to biracial relationships. I can think of a few shows (Supernatural, New Amsterdam, and House being the only three of them I can think of off the top of my head, which is probably why I like these shows) where biracial couples have at least been acknowledged and biracial relationshiops even entered into by main characters, but this is a major exception to the rule.
And heavens fucking forfend we have a (gasp) biracial (dare I say it??) gay couple on TV. WE CAN'T TAKE THIS!!!
Daylight Savings Time:
It's unnatural, and it fucks with my nearly nonexistent anyway internal clock, and I'm so fucking tired all day, until it's time to go to bed, and then my eyes are glued open because my body doesn't believe the clock. If they're gonna fucking have Daylight Savings Time, then they need to do it all the damned time, so our bodies would get accustomed to it, and stay that way, instead of the weeks of misery that always follow a change. Did you know that the suicide rate among men goes sky high after a Daylight Savings Time switch? I didn't know that, but now I do, and it makes me think, WHY?? Why do they do this to us.
It's not like that much freakin' power can be saved, because I just don't see where people are using daylight only in their damned houses. If anything, we use more power in DST, because we're stuck staying up until three o'clock in the fucking morning with our insomnia-laden eyes attached to the TV or computer monitor. And I hate that the day feels like it's NEVER EVER EVER going to end. It stays light TOO FUCKING long, and it's annoying. PICK A FUCKING TIME AND GET THERE AND STAY THERE AND STOP THE MADNESS!!
Fucking puppies. They're little and they get underfoot, and if you step on them, then you're an evil wrong bad person who gives no thought to the little roly-poly puppies, even though you move them out of your damned way every time you walk by, and they still find a way to position themselves EXACTLY where you are walking.
And they beg for food, as if they don't eat better than you do anyway, and they give the eyes, and they have little eyebrows, and they make you feel like utter SHIT because you don't want them slobbering on you and getting food all over the carpet, so you give them the food and they slobber on you and get food on the carpet, which you have to clean up, and while you're cleaning it up, they're wagging their tail like PLAY PLAY PLAY WANNA PLAY WHY WON'T YOU PLAY PLAY PLAY PLAY and you're like “I can't! Cleaning up YOUR mess!” And then they give you the look that they give with the eyes and the eyebrows and the puppiness and you...give in. Of course.
Oh, and they EAT DIAPERS. And USED Q-TIPS. And on one memorable occasion, which still gives me the, it's so bad, I can't even rant about it. And don't let there be a woman in the house...
Oh yeah, and also, they fart and it's like the depths of hell, and they look at you with cute faces like “WHAT???” And dammit, as much as their food costs, their bellies should be perfect!
Also, there is barking at random objects that AREN'T EVEN MOVING. And chewing shoes that HAVEN'T BEEN WORN. And stinking like the worst sort of EVIL MIND-NUMBING STINK. And sleeping in the bed wherever IS MOST COMFORTABLE FOR THEM.
This really wasn't fair. ^^ So not a dog person. I probably should have ranted about cats.