Some More Quotes

Aug 15, 2005 19:30

i keep telling myself over and over
"she can have him.. i don't want him"
even though i know
i want him more than anything..

She said, "You're a loser!" And he replied, "Yea, but Im your loser.."

Let me wipe those tears from your eyes,
Cuz baby, you're to pretty to cry.

Those sweet cheesy lines
that us girls secretly love
I know I do at least.
When he tries his hardest
to impress you- you just
gotta admire the effort.

And I hear those oh-so-famous words once again..
"Let's just be friends."

& something has to be right about us being
together because if it wasn't i don't think i
would feel the way i do when you kiss me

As i layed there by his side,
listening to his soft breathing, i knew
at that moment that i loved him

Dear Girl,
i just thought i should let you know, that i
--MELTED-- when i heard HiM
call you `Beatiful`
Love always,
your heart x33


[1] hold her hand at ANY moment even if it is just for a second.
[2] Kiss her on the forehead
[3] leave her voice messages to wake up to.
[4] ALWAYS tell her you love her at any & and all times.
[5] when she is upset, hold her tight & tell her how much she means to u
[6] recognize the small things ..they usually mean the most.
[7] call her Sweetie or BABY
[8] Sing to her no matter how horrible your voice is
[9] pick her over all the OTHER girls you hang out with
[10] write her N0tes. (she loves them)
[11] introduce her to family & friends as your girlfriend
[12] play with her hair.
[13] pick her up, tickle her, & PLAY WRESTLE with her.
[14] sit in the park & just TALK to her.
[15] tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, just tell her J0kes
[16] throw pebbles at her window in the middle of the night just because u missed her.
[17] let her fall asleep in your arms
[18] carve your names into a TREE.
[19] give her piggyback rides
[20] bring her flowers just because u can
[21] treat her the same around your friends as you do when you`re alone
[22] look her in the eyes & Smile
[23] let her take as many pictures as she wants
[24] slow dance with her, even if there is not’t any music playing
[25] if you`re in love with her.. tell her

She finally lets go of her fake smile.
The tears slowly roll down her face
as she whispers in the mirror,
"I don't want to be me."

I Wish I Was Six Again So Nothing Mattered And All
He Had To Do Was Tag Me And I Would Be  It

what if someone told you
that you could take back
one single mistake in your
life . mine would be ever
believing that you cared
about me

what im looking for
are the answers, to
why these questions
never go away __x3.

Sometimes i wish i could just grab him, shake him,
and make him realize how much i want him back, but now
when i see him smile, i'm more ready to cry than smile
too, because i want him so bad it hurts to know
he is happier and better off without me in his life

when your throat starts to clench
& tingle & your heart gets so warm
the heat travels through your body,
when your stomach starts to feel
those unforgiving butterflies that
spark the instant flow of tears. that's
the worst pain you'll ever feel. that
is your heart breaking..

when you love someone, you don`t take
anything for granted ,.,. you remember
every smile =) * every kiss :-* & every i
love youu ,.,. you know that it`s right
when no matter what mood you`re in, he
can * a l w a y s * make you smile ! =)

What's life without problems?
if we never had bad days, how would we have good days?
if life was perfect, there would be no erasers, or kissing and making up.
you just gotta learn to deal with what’s thrown at you and
remember that no matter how hard life may seem,
there's always someone worse off than you.

When I tell you I love you ;;
I dont say it out of "habit" or
to make conversation -- I say it
Because your the best thing thats
Ever happend to me      ___   <33

Like a clown I put on a show. The pain
is real even if nobody knows. I pretend
that Im glad you went away. These four
walls are closing more everyday. And Im
dying inside and nobody knows it but me

i`ll keep you my
dirty little secret
don`t tell anyone
or else you`ll be
just another regret
my dirty little secret.
[who has to know?]

all my life
  ive been looking
    for the answers to
      questions you never asked
   and we never planned on this
disaster when will i let it go ?
     ` - - - new found glory

take NOTHiNG BUT photos
   leave NOTHiNG BUT footsteps
& kill NOTHiNG BUT time.

i'll stop the world && melt with you ♥

&& she felt like a m.o.v.i.e.s.t.a.r
in his arms

she'll say she hates you. she'll say she
never loved you. she'll say doesn't ever
want you back. but deep down inside,
the only possible way she could mean
this is if her fingers we're crossed..

ten bucks says you'll be crawling into bed with me
putting your hands where they dont belong.
and 10 bucks says you'll be putting your lips
where they dont belong either,
but 10 bucks says i won't say no.

♥  turn this up  i'll tune you out

♥  i'd give it all away just to be friends again

♥  didn't use to be goodbye until we were falling asleep
               on the keyboard at 2:00 in the morning,
     but now, not even a 5 minute conversation comes easy

♥  you can show up at my house completely unannounced
      we'll have that movie kiss we talked about

♥  Sex is like spades, if you dont have a good partner you better have a good hand

♥  this is to kissing with our eyes open ; and meaning nothing to each other

♥  Life is a Sexually Transmitted Disease

♥  the best way to behave is...  not to

♥  The bad thing about a girl with a broken heart
is that she starts to hand out the pieces

♥  you don't have to be together for him to break your heart

♥  I said i was Over You.. but seeing You with Her.. Still breaks my Heart.

♥  AND FOR SOME FUCKED UP REASON ;; your still in my heart

♥  i thought if my heart just stopped beating, it wouldnt hurt as bad.

its funny because when you do something
right, no ones remembers. but when u  do
something wrong--no one ever f o r g e t s*

life is about trusting your feelings &&
taking chances, losing and finding  `'
happiness. appreciating the memories
and learning from the pain & realizing
that people always change - -

I'm your average teenage girl--makeup,money,boys and clothes.I laugh until I cry.I'll never hate you--Just watch out for my bitch moments. I can be innocent--But your innocent til' proven guilty.Pink and Blue are my favorite colors.I'm addicted to sugar. And...I don't believe in T.r.u.e l.o.v.e<|3

Being  a  Teenager ...
     Shouldn`t hurt this much '

shes the girl with her middle finger in the
       air cuz  for  the first time in her  life  she
         just doesn't    f u c k i n  g   care. . . . . . .

when i heard you call me a bitch
i just s.m.i.l.e. and laugh cause i knew
that waaayyyy before you did =P

if i was pretty id be a model
                    or maybe a whore. . .

♥ heres to teenage romance
and never knowing why
it hurts like hell

♥ She says she doesn't care but her eyes tell a different story.

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