The Tripp Legacy: Generation 3.2

Jan 03, 2009 17:30

Warning: Language

Geof's had these stuck in his want panel for a while. No, no, no, no, no.
(Always why does he care about Gretchen, they haven't talked in ages?)

And not two seconds after I screencapped Geof's wants, the Count calls. No, I don't care about your little sim conspiracy to change all my Tripps into vampires, not going to happen.

Lexi's birthday came in no time.

She's got a lot of her dad in her. :/ We'll see how that works out.

NO. That is noooot happening. Besides, I don't think the time to be expressing your attraction for another person should be while you're emptying a training potty.

Lexi gets a lot of attention from Genesis since she's in the last week or so of her life and has accomplished a ton already. She's only has a promotion to go until reaching her second lifetime want and she's maxed all her skills so what else is there?

Yeah, I get it. You have three bolts. Stop already!

Emmy and Summer get in daily fights over Joseph. I moved him in the down the street and he knocks over their trashcan all the time.

Summer: That's right. Crrrry.

Shea: Look, honey, I'm a plane!

All Shea ever wants to do is woohoo. He rolls to woohoo in the car...

...and then the tub...and then the bed...and then the get what I'm saying. At least he's happy not straying from Summer though.

Eww, you can see Shea's stink through the hottub water. D:

Emmy slapped her. I'd cry too, that robotic, steel arm probably hurt a lot.

What the hell, Dawn? You have NINE nice points?!

...Stop that.

I think she has enough bottles Emmy.

Out of the blue, Geof caressed Emmy? I was convinced they were still furious and pretty much enemies but I checked their relationship panel and ?? They're 100/100 with each other.

Well, at least one relationship is back to normal in the house. Emmy and Summer hit each other all the time still.

Shea got promoted on a chance card and I had to end Summer's date abruptly. Right on time too!

Genesis completed her second LTW. She rerolled to have 50 1st dates (bahahahahaha) which I wouldn't have done for her if she was my FOUNDER, so she's done. Besides, she has like a week or two until she dies. :(

Also, wtf Emmy?

Geof ended up teaching Lexi most of her skills.

Summer and Shea are attached to the bar now, for some reason. Summer never used to touch it. I guess Shea was a bad influence. And what's your problem, Genesis?

I'd never figured out what sims were doing but they're cracking their wrists and fingers! I feel really dumb now.

Okay, seriously, she's not even AWAKE.

Where ARE your parents, Dawn?

Oh, your father is busy getting fired. :/

Always drinking. Always.

Why do sims think that you can drink to fill your hunger bar?!

Shea: What are supposed to do?! Eat FOOD? Soup or something?! You're crazy!

Shea finally found his way to a plate but it had a side of stench and flies so he's now got a horrid case of food poisoning.

NOT. HAPPENING. I can't tell if I dislike this bubble more for the fact that she's attracted to Shea or that Dawn is also in the bubble.

Lexi grew up but I missed a shot of her head-on. Hopefully this is the only time you'll see her profile because it's JUST like her dad's. She also runs everywhere, just like Dean did as a kid.

Guess where the Tripps are going?! Vacation! To Twikki Island or whatever - Summer rolled the want and I figured, why not?

Shea must invade thoughts 24/7. Except for Emmy's thoughts, which are still consumed by the cockatoo.

Why are both so mean to each other!?

They rented out every room in the hotel except for the one at the very top and it was so annoying because they'd always want to go sleep or eat or shower in that room and I get a pop-up each time, "PAY FOR IT 1ST." over and over again.

Does anyone else see the irony?

Genesis kept bitching at me, complaining about the vacation, when it was her that kept walking over to Geof and shoving him. Get over it!

I told you all Shea rolls wants to do is woohoo.

Genesis had to be kept busy so she wouldn't keep pushing Geof around.

This was actually a snapshot for the 'take a picture' thing. I tried to get Geof and Genesis to hug for the picture, completely forgetting they HATE each other and it resulted in this. I had the guy go ahead and take the picture because, well, it's funny. Also notice Emmy and Summer fighting in the back.

Ahhh, memories.

Summer: Look honey, Emmy and I fight because she stole my husband from me and my father from my mother. It's just because we hate each other, that's all. Do you feel better now?


Redhead: Screw him...getting laid all the time...I NEVER get laid! D:<

Guys, please. You're the ones complaining about the horrible vacation SO STOP POKING EACH OTHER.


Knowing Shea he's probably happy because he's watching some nasty sim!porn or waiting for his tenth woohoo of the day or something.

Shea: Oooh I don't feel so good...


Shea: please don't step on me omg pleaseee

Summer finally got the message that she's supposed to be obsessed with this thing.

Dawn was the first one in the family to learn the hula!

Summer: Why aren't you dancing?!?
Shea: I think I just puked a little.

Shea: OMG


Can you guess where he's bolting off to?

Yeah. Poor Shea. He was really, really sick.

I swear, Emmy has attraction with almost everyone she meets.

The thing I hated about this vacation was it took AGES for the whole family to get anywhere because there were seven of them and it took each person like 15 minutes to get in the car or the helicopter or cancel the actions to walk to the lot. So annoying. I'll save the next vacations for when the family is smaller. Definitely.

I kept missing it but Genesis was doing something to Lexi (omg look at that profile D: D:) she didn't like. Dawn thinks it's funny though.


Could you guys pleaseeee stop fighting so the kids will stop flipping out?! (They didn't.)

...Thanks for the nightmares.

Not even the pirate ghost can escape Shea's magnetism.

Everyone: OMG look it's Shea he looks so awesome he wears that robe everywhere how sexy is that?!!? i wonder if he'll notice me i'm gonna pretend i don't care though ..:|

Dawn ran around trying to hug everyone. I guess she realized she has nine nice points.

Shea paid the seventy-five bucks to learn how to fire dance. Can he do it anywhere else? I'm wondering...(to google!)

I'd have my sims talk and talk with a local and then the second they become unselectable they'd finally hang loose. So. Annoying.


Emmy: Your mom explained this to your sister. We just hate each other, ok?
Summer: *lurks with 'Slap' in queue*

:D Finally! They're down to their last day now! It took forever to find someone that would hang loose for them.

Shea learned how to fire dance. It only took an eternity and a half. I guess I shouldn't have picked the sim with food poisoning to play with fire.

You go, grandpa! okay, Genesis?

Geof: I'm really sorry I cheated on you and then slapped you like 943679304 times! Really! *queues up 'slap' again*
Genesis: *can sense his queue*

The girls finally started being nice to each other and become friends. I guess they're bonding over pretending to kill each other.

Time to head home! They ended up earning 3 vacation points each. And yes, Summer and Shea got married but I lost the picture or something? I don't know why I don't have one. That's probably the only reason it was a good vacation too, since no one would stop freaking fighting.

Eating a now-5-day-old muffin...Welcome home!

tripps, legacy challenge

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