[Eng Fic] - [Hey!Say!Jump] Loneliness

May 13, 2012 10:49

Titolo: Loneliness
Fandom: Hey!Say!Jump
Pairing: Takaki Yuya x Chinen Yuri ; Yaotome Hikaru
Rating: R
Avvertenze: Slash
Disclaimer: I personaggi non sono miei, tutti i diritti riservati e i fatti narrati sono frutto della mia fantasia. La storia non è scritta con scopo di lucro.
Riassunto: He knew what Yuya really wanted from him. Hikaru’s jealousy. Only that.
Note: Scritta per la 10disneyfic con il prompt “Passione”, per la 24ore con il prompt “Paura?” e per la Zodiaco!Challenge di fiumidiparole con il prompt "Angst"
WordCount: 275 fiumidiparole


Passion. Yuya hadn't got it. Not with him.
This irritated Chinen. Because he hated when Yuya showed than indifference with him.
Because it's his fault if Chinen was in that situation. Only Yuya’s fault. Maybe Yuya it’s not knew him shadow, his fear, his pain.
Then he felt justified and didn't care about Chinen’s feelings. He was a doll, an object in his hands. And everyone knows, a doll doesn’t have a feeling.
It had only one purpose. To satisfy other people.
But, at least, Chinen knew it.
He knew what Yuya really wanted from him. Hikaru’s jealousy. Only that.
Chinen was only a toy, lost in his feeling, in his anger. And Chinen wasn’t able to understand himself. Because if have accepted that humiliation, there must be a reason. And the younger, inside his heart, hid love for Yuya.
When he had sex with Yuya for the fist time, Yuri’s first time, the younger felt dirty.
Dirty inside.
He had sex with a man who didn’t love him, while Hikaru watched in secret. And touched himself, Hikaru. He touched and Chinen wasn’t able to stop that nightmare. Because he was scared.
Chinen had fear of loneliness.
And when Hikaru groaned, achieving the orgasm, Chinen felt like he was dead. Inside, in a small part of his heart. Because from that point, everything had lost meaning .
Yuya had understood Hikaru’s feelings . Feelings for Chinen.
And Chinen… Chinen have lost everything.
Every little thing. Slipped away from his fingers.
And, in that moment, obseving Hikaru sleeping in the bed, in mid afternoon, Chinen said himself that he was tried.
But, after all, everyone have is afraid of loneliness .

fandom: hey!say!jump, english time!, pairing: takaki x chinen, challenge: 24 ore, pg: yaotome hikaru, challenge: zodiaco!, challenge: 10disneyfic {set personale 1}

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