The New Who <3

Apr 04, 2010 00:40

I'm going to attempt to update my live journal more often.

... Hey miracles happen.

Watched The Eleventh Hour about... oh it'll be six hours ago now. Time seriously flies when you're cooped up in your room reading slash fan-fiction...

I'm most definitely going to keep watching it. It was a bit touch-and-go for me, since I'm extremely in love with David Tennant and Ten, so I was all protective over him and didn't want a new Doctor.

Shockingly, I actually really enjoyed the episode! I mean there were a few cringe moments when Eleven acted like a going-on-900 year old trying to act young and hip, but I suppose that could be down to his new personality, and it's actually pretty amusing to watch :D The Doctor is such an OAP nowadays.

I think I would actually love to write Eleven fiction, if it wasn't for my obsessive shipping of Simm!Master/TenthDoctor. Which causes a dilemma since I only write romance (or more specifically for fan-fiction - slash) since I need (need) a new Master for Eleven to play around with. Come on Moffat, give me a Master! Don't let him be permanently dead! That would make my year.

I don't even hate Amy. Yet. Quite a miracle since the only companion I've ever not wanted to strangle to death was Donna.

Oh my sweet Rassilon.

I must have a thing for gingers.

Makes sense really, my nephew is of the orange persuasion XD

Anyway. I love how I'm writing this on the off chance someone reads it, even when I know they really won't :D What can I say, I love to rant, even if it's possible I'm ranting to myself.

Till next time, whoever you are!

eleventh hour rant

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