Generation 5 Heir Poll

Jun 26, 2010 02:24

Heir poll will close sometime on Sunday.

Noble is currently frustrated with Karst Parvenu (ohsims ) and has struck up a friendship with Patrick Pearson. Noble is considered by her father to be the last hope for keeping the policeman tradition alive in the family since her brother wants to be a musician and her sister is concerned with otherworldly matters. However, Noble wishes to join the military and become an astronaut.

Olive Deens is currently interested in Raziya Canterbury (thecanterburys ). Olive is considered by his father to be a disappointment since Olive wants to be a rock star rather than go into the police force like his father and grandparents.

Pettit Deens is currently interested in Tanner McClellan (created by ohsims ). She has recently become interested in the paranormal world after encountering the ghosts of her great-great-grandfather and great-grandfather.

Poll Generation 5 Heir Poll

heir poll, deens

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