Comment on this post and i will choose seven interests from your profile. You will then explain what they mean/why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along.
love - I'm something of a romantic, but I typically keep it to myself. This was probably added to my interests long ago in a time when I was terminally single.
megaman - Otherwise known as the Blue Bomber. The classic Megaman and Megaman X games are some of my favorite side-scrolling video games ever. I spent a great deal of time in college playing through them.
green lightsabers - Elegant weapons from a more civilized time. Green always seemed to be the "Correct" lightsaber color to me. More importantly, a green lightsaber was weilded by Qui-Gon Jinn. I have a small collection of Qui-Gon Jinn paraphenalia.
phantom of the paradise - A rock opera from the 70's that more people should know about. It is often overshadowed by Rocky Horror. It is a more serious film, but the music is outstanding. Think of it as Rocky Horror meets Faust meets Phantom of the Opera.
sleeping - Getting enough sleep is awesome. Again, this interest is probably a remnant from college when it seemed that I never got enough sleep. However, these days, I find myself sleeping for 9-10 hours a day simply because I can. Hopefully the adjustment to a normal schedule won't be too difficult in the fall.
butter-da - Butter-Da is noh hush a bush push leopold. A fictional drink from the "Homestar Runner" universe. In college, I was obsessed with I haven't visited it in months. Here's a
link to the Strongbad Email that spawned it. Make sure to click on the words "losers" and "them" at the end.
bripe - So, one day I'm sitting at the computer, and my friend Paul sends me an IM. He asks me if there is another word for animal foot. After a moment's contemplation, I responded with "bripe." Paul's reaction was a combination between excitement ("That's perfect!") and skepticism. He looked it up, and then asked me if I was sure I had spelled it correctly. I told him that I had, since I had made it up about 5 minutes before hand. I take an opportunity I can to re-tell this story, because it is particularly entertaining if you know my friend Paul. As a result of this, my friends developed a process called "briping" Paul. We would mention the word at inopportune times. For instance, we made an Apples to Apples card from it, and stacked the deck so he would get it. Another time, we got his Ecology professor (who was also my thesis advisor) in on it. Fun times.