Post something

Oct 25, 2009 17:00

I feel I ought to post something, otherwise what's the point of having a permanent account?

So what to post about?

Well, today we did some shopping. Bought some insulation stuff for the water pipes that lead to to and from the boiler. The boiler being in the shed, I think I already mentioned that, there are pipes that are effectively exposed to outdoor temperatures. They aren't outside but the shed isn't exactly well insulated.

We bought enough lagging to do all the pipes, but couldn't do all the pipes because they were too close together. So I did what I could, and hopefully the un-lagged bits will benefit from the lagging of the pipes around them.

I probably lagged the gas pipe too, not that it matters.

We bought a couple of pumpkins too. They were only £1 each. I've never made a jack-o-lantern before because my parents weren't really into the Halloween thing and anyway that was before it really came over here. As for my ex, she really was not into Halloween. She used to hand out Christian tracts to trick-or-treaters! We've bought some sweets to hand out. Connie and I both agree that we are likely to get trick-or-treaters this year. It's the sort of neighbourhood. We also agree that buying cheap sweets is not a good idea, because any left over you have to eat yourself!

We also bought some more fish. We have a rainbow shark - Remember I wanted one of them anyway? And six golden barbs They are really pretty. Spent the first half hour sulking at the back of the tank. Well four of them did. Two of them were out and about straight away, looking for food. The shark was also pretty relaxed about settling in to his/her new home. (It's probably female but I can't help thinking of it as a male), he's being followed around by the two remaining tiger barbs.

Give these guys a couple of weeks to settle in, then we're going to think about some more serpae tetras. We have one of those left from the first lot we bough...

I guess that's it for now. If anyone wants pictures of the new fish, please say. Also, if anyone fancies doing a "Beat the intro" quiz, I'm considering doing another one. I expect I'll get two entrants, but two is better than none.

shopping, pumpkin, lagging, fish, halloween

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