Oh no, a boring work related post...
But first, why on earth would someone who writes all their posts in Russian add me as a friend? And, because I highly doubt that this person even reads English, I have no problem in naming
cara_mcwilton as the guilty party. I think we should all go to that LJ and spam it!
Now on with the excitement...
Work stuff, cut because I know at least one of you doesn't care what I do for a living )
Yeah I get one or two a week of the Russian only friendings then after a few days they defriend me. I have no idea what they are about but they come as regular as clock work.
for a bit I was corresponding with a Russian comic fan that was learning English so the first one I thought it was her... but when they keep coming I dunno maybe the KGB is still around checking up?
(Oops... hit return by mistake!)
Hopefully that sort of thing will discourage them. I think they do it because of some weird sense of wanting a lot of friends... *shrug*
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