Sexiness question

May 22, 2008 17:30

I'm kinda stealing this from westhill_mom.

A few days ago, the lady in question posted that she'd read this article in a magazine where they had asked women when they felt sexiest and she was amazed by some of the answers, and wanted to know what we thought.

Unfortunately for my insatiable curtiosity1, westhill_mom screened all the comments to her post.

Also, as I pointed out to her, the way the question was phrased was slightly sexist and slightly homophobic2. Not that I was accusing her of such, after all, she just copied the question from a magazine.

However, I would like to pose the same question to all my readers:

When do you feel sexiest, and why?

Also, when do you find your partner sexiest and why?

[EDIT] If you don't have a current partner, please feel free to say what you would find sexy in a member of your preferred gender...[/EDIT]

Now, the question is open to anyone over the age of 18 (hence the adult rating), so you can be as explicit as you like or as coy as you like in your answers, however, I'm NOT screening answers, so don't say anything you don't want the world to know...3

Oh and if you want to know my answer, it's as follows:

I feel sexiest when I'm all dressed up, in a sharp suit or even a dinner suit/tuxedo. Getting dressed up makes me feel special and it also makes people look at me like I'm special. Plus, of course, I generally get dressed up to make an occasion special.

When I find my wife sexiest is harder to answer. It would be easier to list the times I don't find her sexy... However, the top few are: When she's dressed up and looking special, for the same reasons as above. When she's all relaxed and snuggley, and she cuddles me or just caresses my hand or my leg, I find that incredibly sexy, mostly because my ex never used to do things like that. When she's actually trying to be sexy, wearing skimpy undies and the like, trying to turn me on, she nearly always succeeds. And of course, when we are actually having sex, for obvious reasons.

[1] From Rudyard Kiplings "The Just So Stories", one of which is about "How The Elephant Got His Trunk". In it, the Elephant's Child has an "insatiable curtiosity", and keeps sticking his nose into things.

[2] The original question asked women when they felt sexiest, and asked men when they found their woman to be sexiest. Firstly, I see no reason why men can't feel sexy, secondly, I see no reason why women can't find men sexy, and thirdly, I see no reason why a man cannot find a man sexy nor a woman find a woman sexy. Hence my re-jigging the question to make it more generic.

[3] I'm not screening answers on this (except for my default of people not on my f-list) because I want to know what everyone else thinks, and I'm sure that, if you are reading this post, you do too. If you want to know what other people's answers are, then you must be prepared to have your answer publicised

sexiness, question, meme, quiz, sex

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