Well, I found a little bit of time, so I put together a few questions. Note that this quiz is for adults. I've made the assumption that anyone taking it is NOT a virgin. Not that the entire quiz is about sex, far from it, but there are some questions you might not want your kids (if you have any) to see the answers to...!
And so, without further ado... Here are the questions and my answers
1. Do you drive? (If no, skip Q 2 & 3) yes
2. What car do you drive? Honda Prelude
3. How many times did you take your driving test? 4
4. Are you licensed to drive anything else besides a car? Yep, any commercial vehicle up to 7.5 tonnes, minibus, moped/motorbike under 50cc.
5. What would be your dream car? Jaguar XKR
6. Do you own your own home (either outright or mortgaged)? No
7. Do you like living where you do? It's ok. Has it's draw-backs.
8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be? Somewhere warm and sunny, but without any tropical storms, where they speak English. I think the only place that qualifies is Gibraltar.
9. Are you married? (If Yes, skip Q 10 - 12) Yes
10. Would you get married? If not, why not?
11. Are you in a relationship? (If no, skip Q 12 - 14)
12. Would you consider marrying your current partner?
13. What do you like most about your spouse/partner? She is such a warm, loving, generous person
14. What do you dislike most about them? She smokes
15. Do you have any children? No
16. When you have sex, how long do you usually make it last? 15 - 20 minutes, sometimes longer...
17. What’s the longest continuous time you’ve ever spent having sex? About 3 hours, including the occasional pause to get breath back...
18. Do you play sex games, or have you ever done? (Including role play, S&M, bondage, dressing up, food, etc) Have used whipped cream... *whistles innocently*
19. Ever had cybersex or phone sex? yes
20. Have you ever been married (before current relationship)? Yes
21. Have you ever had a sexual relationship either with someone who was married to someone else, or while you were married to someone else? yes (to both)
22. Have you ever gone away for a “dirty weekend”? (Either with your own partner or someone else) I once took my ex-wife to Paris for a weekend... Also spent a week in Toronto with Connie when we first met.
23. What do you do for a living? Right now, I'm between jobs. Hoping to get into the recruitment industry
24. Do you enjoy your job? (If you don’t have one, do you enjoy that?) Being out of work has it's ups and it's downs
25. What do you like most about your job? About not having one... having a lot of free time
26. What do you dislike most about it? Not having any money
27. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? Taste tester in a chocolate factory
28. Have you ever owned and run your own business? If not, would you consider doing so? Sort of... I was a free-lance IT consultant for a long time, and as such I owned a limited company.
29. What is your earliest memory? Being pushed in a pram by my mum.
30. Do you enjoy travelling? Yes
31. What is the furthest you have ever been away from home? Mauritius, about 6,000 miles away.
32. Have you ever lived and worked in a foreign country? No
33. Where is the best place you have ever visited? Mauritius, with the Grand Canyon a close second
34. What one place in the world do you most want to visit? New Zeeland
35. Have you ever flown in a helicopter? Yes, across the Grand Canyon!
36. Have you ever, and if not, would you ever:
a) Snorkel Yes
b) Scuba dive No, Yes
c) Sky dive No, No
d) Ski/snowboard No, No
e) Bungee jump No, No
f) Fly a plane Yes
g) Drive a racing car No, Yes
h) Drive a go-kart Yes
i) Zorb No, No
37. Would you go to see a kiddie movie without taking your kids and without borrowing someone else’s kids? Yes, in fact I have - saw The Flintstones movie at a cinema packed with kids who didn't understand half the jokes!
38. Would you not watch a movie just because it had an adult (18+) rating? Of course not. If I want to see the film, I'll watch it regardless of the rating
39. Have you ever been to see a movie by yourself? No
40. Can you play:
a) Chess Yes
b) Bridge I used to be able to. Probably still can
c) Cribbage No
d) Backgammon Yes
e) Poker I know how, but I always loose!
f) Canasta Yes
g) Craps No
41. Have you ever gambled? Yes. Visited Las Vegas!
42. What board games (if any) do you own? Loads.... Monopoly, 4000AD, Backgammon, Chess, Shogun, Eye, Trafalgar, Solar Trader, The Really Nasty Horse Racing Game
43. What computer games (if any) do you play? (Not counting ones that you get free with your computer) I used to play quite a few, but don't have any of them installed on this comp. I do play Zuma and Bejewelled on-line versions.
44. Do you have cable and/or satellite TV? Satellite
45. Can you cook? yes
46. What is your favourite thing to cook? Of all the things I've ever cooked, I think my favourite was a home-made Dahi Murgh - a mild chicken curry.
47. Do you enjoy eating out? Oh yes
48. What is your favourite food to eat in a restaurant? Indian
49. Do you eat take-aways? Yes
50. Would you like to answer more questions, or was that enough? Enough for now... ;-)