Four days off!
Went shopping for last minute things, like cream and fresh veg. Forgot a few things as always. We'll pick them up on Monday or tomorrow. We did buy some tequila and lime juice - I already had a bottle of Triple Sec, and Connie managed to make a decent margarita. This was her first attempt, too, using a recipe from the
webtender. We also bought a lime for Tequila shots... *grins*
Connie has bought me a present I don't know about, so I'm going to have to buy her a surprise present too.
I finished the week in style, as Richard (my boss' boss) put it, "leading an expedition to St Albans". I managed to bring in seventeen leads from that town (which is just north of London). That's not exactly a record, nor even my personal best, but for me, seventeen is a particularly good result.
Anyway, Connie just made me an offer I can't refuse, so I'm off to bed. Night night, all...