First of all, something from
sainton to keep you all amused for hours...
warning: Highly addictive.
Monday morning meeting was hosted by Dave - the guy in the branch who is set to step into Jason's shoes as and when, but was actually taken by Paul Rigden, the National Sales Manager... This had already been arranged last week as Jason is on holiday. It has nothing to do with the fact that the branch scored a total of ZERO last week. Oh well...
However, the company as a whole, apparently, did very badly last week. SOOOO.... A company wide script test today! I know I'm not perfect, but it will be interesting to see exactly how well I've done! I don't know when we'll get the results. Paul did go through some of the early parts of the script, and I did ok, but there's one or two bits I need to brush up!
I'm kinda hoping that - at last - they will issue the new script in printed form. So far I've not actually seen it since it was changed in November. I know most of the changes, but not all.
Justin was being his usual numpty self! While Paul was going through the results, he (i.e. Paul) got a call from head office. Apparently someone has been a naughty boy: No idea who, but the words "Child Support Agency" were mentioned. God alone knows why, but Justin took this personally. I have no idea what was going on in his head. He presumably doesn't know what the CSA does (They chase absent fathers who are not paying child-support and take them to court). Justin is 24 years old, and has serious problems (if you ask the rest of us) with his sex-life. He seems to have a way of putting women off having sex...
Anyway, the chances of him having sired a child are pretty unlikely... But the dead-pan way in which Paul Rigden told him that the CSA was after him was just sooooooo funny! It was all I could do to keep from laughing my head off! So, I will, I assume, find out tomorrow if I've done well enough on the script test.
"Riggers" was saying that people who don't know it well enough will be taken off leads until they have learned it, and that some people might actually be fired!
Jason rang me this evening about an unrelated problem, and I told him. He seemed to think that Riggers was full of shit! I don't know... I think it quite likely that anyone who has been in the company long enough could get the push for NOT learning the script! After all, if your job is to operate a machine and you are supposed to know pretty much everything it does, but after six months you don't know any more than how to turn it on, you are likely to get fired!
Jason wanted to know why he can't connect his lap-top to his parents' wireless network. I tried to talk him through it, but I'm hopeless at help-desk stuff. I think I managed to get the lap-top to recognise the network, but for some reason it still couldn't connect. Oh, and please, don't anyone make any helpful suggestions. By the time I get them and pass them on it will be too late! And yes we did look up the encryption key on the router and put it into the laptop...
Anyway, that's it for today, I think.
Going to pop out and get some cash, then probably buy a pizza...
Oh, no... One other thing:
Car insurance!
I needed to renew my car insurance, and I did the old websearch thing and came up with a quote that wasn't exactly better, but - well, my existing insurance covers me fully comp for social, domestic and pleasure use, but didn't include business use. I kinda assumed that would about double the premium. I was wrong... Anyway, this new quote included business use and no-claims protection, and was about £30 more than the existing quote. Great, thinks I, not going to better that. So I go for it. This was last night.
Today, I rang my existing insurer to cancel the automatic renewal. "Oh", says the chap, "I can actually add business use and no-claims protection at no extra cost". OOOOH-KAY! this is good news, but it does mean I need to cancel the other new one... I also got them to change my address. The new address is in a different postcode, and doesn't have a garage (They still had me down as being at my ex's place). So the premium is now a bit higher but still better than the other one I got.
So I'm staying with the same insurer after all. Oh and I asked them to take my ex off as well... Not going to change anything, I'd just rather she wasn't on my insurance.