People don't know their classics

Oct 16, 2014 13:52

At work the other day a fellow developer and I were discussing incomplete array types in C, and at one point in the conversation he referred to them using a phrase which gave me a perfect opportunity to reply ‘Arrays of Unspecified Size? I don't think they exist.’ Sadly, I got a blank look.

And today at lunchtime there was a silly conversation about a car park that had collapsed due to subsidence, on a site with a large rabbit population. It was suggested that the rabbits might have undermined the car park, and someone else said ‘no, don't blame the rabbits’. Of course this is a feed line which physically cannot have any other reply than ‘Bunnies, bunnies, it must be bunnies’ - which elicited no evidence of recognition from any of about six people.

Bah. People don't know their classics!

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