Simon's First Law: If you are searching for a particular type of thing, and you Google for various phrases and none of them comes up with anything particularly helpful, and you eventually give up and post on a public forum with a question along the lines of
Does anybody know where I can find a low-cost reconfigurable sponginator? I've looked
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Comments 7
Oh, of course, how foolish of me.
Wtf is a ponginator?!?
Hmm, why have comments stopped being in GMT?
Although it does pose the question of what counts as public, and how does google know? What if you write out the message and then post it to a single confidant? or two? or just your cat? Having brought this matter to the public I feel that you have a responsibility, nay duty to research exactly where the dividing line between public and private actually lies. And get funding. Always get funding.
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