Nov 30, 2008 02:02
Well, what has ahppened since August?
I've become a volunteer at Edinburgh Zoo and am thoroughly enjoyingit. I can visit that place so often and not get bored. As a result I volunteer every second week and am there as a visitor the other weeks.
Getting more comfortable with my teeth but broke them twice and really need to get a new set!
I've also found out that I now have a natural gastric band, better known as a hiatus hernia. Early October I started vomitting blood an several occaisions and I was sent for an endoscopy. Word of advice, make sure you have someone with you, and endocopy camera down the stomach without a sedative is not pleasant!
Anyway I'm now on meds for that and I've lost almost 21 pounds since it all started!
If this had happened last year it would very likely have done in m in. The turn around with the depression is almost complete. To think that this time last year I was in hospital, very nearly on suicide watch! I'm doing two voluntary roles that I really enjoy, the hospital radio and the zoo.