ENnie Nominations and Honourable Mentions

Jul 08, 2011 15:38

I’m pleased to say Pelgrane Press has received honourable mentions and nominations in the ENnie awards for our releases this year.

The Dance in the Blood by Graham Walmsley gets and honorable mention for Best Adventure, and a nomination for Best Writing. I think that Dance in the Blood is typical of Graham’s adventures, and any one of the others could have just as easily been nominated.

Bookhounds of London by Kenneth Hite gets an honourable mention for Best Setting, and a nomination for Cartography. Beth Lewis extracted, compiled and enhanced these antique maps with new information and the indexers over at yog-sothoth deserve a big hand for this one. I’m sad that Ken didn’t get a nomination for the setting, which is just outstanding, but the competition was fierce.

I’ll update you when the voting begins.

trail of cthulhu, announcement, awards

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